I know exactly what the problem is... the connector for the USB to the main board has a solder defect and one of the signal pins is getting only periodic full connection. I know it's not the power pins because my devices charge no problem very consistently. I'm pretty sure it's not the main board on it or I'd see other effects that would present as operational bugs. If the board were doinked it would have a very hard time ever working. I'm a computer geek... do this stuff for a living. Had to fix more USB solder problems than I'd like to recall (I also make new USB accessories for fun, temp sensors and Xbox controllers and such).
So, how does the radio come out? I'm still planning to take it to the dealer and have them slap a new radio in it but I'd like to know for next time when it's out of warranty so I can just pull the thing out and re-solder the broken joint.