I searched, but didn't see a similar thread..is it a good idea to paint the headlight housing? i know you can buy em online, but i was hoping to save $150ish and paint them myself. Anybody done this?
it's a easy but takes patience. you have to heat them in the oven and be careful not to melt them or use a hair dryer (sucks) or very careful not to warp them with a heat gun. you will need to figure a way to clean all... i mean all the silicone adhesive from the interlocking areas. sand, clean, prime, sand, clean paint, sand, clean, paint atleast 2 light coats, clear multiple coats if u want gloss. gimme a bit i'll try to find the how to i used.
Very easy.. i did mine about 8 months ago and they turned out really nice! i have to re paint one because i got into an accident and i plan on putting some LED strips inside as well!