Yellow top for car audio, its a deep cycle battery.
Ok any specific specs?
ive been told that i shouldnt use optima bc cobalt needs a special battery due to trunk placement, that the optima can overheat and blow??
Never heard that and havent had a problem with mine in the year that I've had it installed.
did you mount your battery underneath? if so which optima battery did you get....i plan on putting a new battery and alternator in before i install my new JL's
Yeah I have had an optima red top and yellow top (not at the same time) mounted in the stock location. I was very disappointed in the red top as my headlights still dimmed bad running my 2 12" pioneer premiers with a lightning audio 1000w RMS amp.
I'll check next time my trunk is empty, some time this weekend, and let you know which one it is. I havnt seen a HO alternator that fits our cars but there is a couple how-to articles on fitting an extra alternator if you want to go that route.
im thinkin about just getting a new stock alternator...not really lookin to add a 2nd lol... maybe you know about mufflers? im lookin to replace mine with an aftermarket to give my baby a nice growl not ready to dish out for a full exhaust just yet (money's tight)..i dont want the muffler to sound annoying just aggressive lol