I was at Stonebriar Chevy on 9-11 and drove the V6 Camaro, Vette and the 1.4 Turbo Cruze 4 door
1.4 Turbo Cruze (TURTLE

) w 5 speed tranny, d or manual shifter. this is already selling in China and other places and sold over 700,000 i believe.
this was the most disappointed i have been in ages driving a car. too many limiters. shifting limiters, shifting denial limiters (w an auto, WTH), rpm and speed limiters, man i felt like i was driving a turbo turd. it literally drove like it was constipated.

i tried everything to make this thing drive like a normal car, even in D and it had so much lag a turtle w 4 broken legs could have beat it thru the intersection.
it is hard to believe this thing is a rage anywhere if you really know what a car can do. they have a regular, 1.4 turbo coming out in October and then later a 1.8 turbo.
only way i would buy this is to have Vince do his thing with it from Day 1. all those limiters drove me crazy.
Vince did say that this will be a car that will beg for tuning and really be a market for it and after driving it DAMN STRAIGHT. he said his buick drives this way too. he said something about the new generation of ECMS.
my daughters 2.2 balt would wipe that all over the place and maybe better mileage
plus side
great layout
alot of higher end items on it then a cobalt
fit and trim was nicer
alot of nice things for taking on and off trim easier
Transformer Dash and Waterfall
Electric steering motor- looks like a starter
the small round protected cover in the middle left is the turbo,,,, small. LOL