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well does pedo bear approve?
All wrong. It's the intermediate shaft
I had Powergrids in my cobalt and they didn't help at all then I switched to Moog Endlinks and god what a difference they made.
Did you install them correctly? Powergrids are great... but they do need to be installed correctly.
I'm pretty sure I installed them correctly, I followed Will's How to @ ccs.
Which way is up on pedders? Does it matter if they are upside down?
Yes. The Top of the rear springs is slightly smaller than the bottom. The last coil... and the overall width. It'll be slightly BeeHive/Egg shaped. There is also a front & back of the Rear Springs. When you set the bottom on the floor... it'll lean a certain way. The way it leans toward... is the front (AKA, the direction it leans, should face the front of the car).
And yes... if you have them upside down... the rear suspension geometry will be thrown off. They usually won't seat all the way either.
Interesting. Oh well. Mine work flawlessly. The clunking sound is gone... that was my main concern when installing them.
Which way is up on pedders? Does it matter if they are upside down?
Always bothers me because I couldn't tell when I installed them, I know they are leaning forward but not so sure about the upside down part.
I always had clunking issues, even when stock suspension.
You on pedders?
It does matter, I had one of the rear springs installed upside down and I noticed that it was sitting a little higher than the other side.
Yeah... I couldn't tell at first either.
Yes. 08+ FE5 Struts/Shocks, Pedders, and Powergrids.
And I went through the same problem with my first install of the Pedders. Had both rears upside down. They wouldn't seat all the way... and the rear was a good bit higher. Took them out... looked at them again... and then it was like turning on a light. I saw the slight beehive shape and the rest is history.