Just my 2 cents and personal experience, I drive as many as 200 miles a day for work in my Cobalt, I have owned both Cobra and Escort Products, and have driven over 200,000 miles collectively in various vehicles through my Job...
Cobra Radar "Detectors" are nothing more than ticket notification devices.
Yes, they do work, but by the time the do, you are going to have to react in a way that is sure to get all eyes on you if they arent already. Both my Escort 9500i and Redline are able to detect Constant on Radar well beyond 2 miles, even from the rear. The Redline I believe was able to detect up to 13 miles? (in a private test, not my experience)
If you know what you are doing and don't drive like an idiot it does pretty good with Instant on too believe it or not, as it will detect enough scatter from cars ahead being tagged to give you a fairly full alert which will slow you down in time hopefully
Laser IS very deadly with any detector and you should never rely on detection for protection haha. In Alabama they don't use it enough but when they do its scary.
I would personally never suggest anyone buy anything less than Escort especially now that they offer installment plans where you can get a new detector for like $100-$200 and pay it off at $29.95 a month lol and btw Beltronics is made by Escort so they are cool too..just never owned that brand
(Calm down V1 guys...not hating on you...just never owned the product so I'm keepin my mouth shut)