nathan its not that your defending yourself its how your defending yourself by calling people names and giving good company's a bad name. we didn't warranty your shifter because its caused by excessive strain on the shifter. now if shaw warrantied it great but that decision was made by jim at shag south and it was because we had seen it like 3 times before.
If you read my previous post I admit i took shit to far, k?
Let me clear this up right now pls, steve, NOBODY had ever seen my Cobalt for a shifter problem before, pls get that straight right now. Shag south looked at it for 2 mins and said fuk it he abused it too bad.....that's bullshit, spirited driving and abuse are 2 different things, and nobody is with me 24/7 to say if i was abusing it or not.
Now something you need to learn about auto-x in my car is that I shift into 2nd quickly and leave it there the WHOLE COURSE.......where am i straining my shifter if it's LEFT IN 2nd gear?? I don't use NLS during auto-x because i never get past 2nd gear, that is how the course is setup. I am presenting the facts, u can take them anyway you choose.