Alberta Random Talk


Full Access Member
Nov 21, 2009
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Saskatoon SK Canada
i drive for a living...

So i see all sorts of accidents year round that SHOULD be avoided if people would use common sense.... ALOT of people lack that one fundamental.

Winter tires in the winter is a good idea.. but not alot of people will use them for whatever reason they want to believe in..

Chains.... Not recommended until in severe weather conditions or going offroading/up mountains etc....

Last winter i never used chains on my semi, If the roads that damn bad. i pull off the road and wait it out... I'd rather be a few hours late due to weather then being stuck in the ditch, with damage done to my car.. Thats why in the winter it's common sense to have 1/2 or more of fuel in the car..

Even driving the redline i was tired/slippery roads ( Got all season ) and pulled into the next time, slept in the car until the plow went by at 5am got home at 6am

If more people would use alittle common sence.. alot of mishaps wouldn't happen.


Aug 2, 2009
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The Great White North
i drive for a living...

So i see all sorts of accidents year round that SHOULD be avoided if people would use common sense.... ALOT of people lack that one fundamental.

Winter tires in the winter is a good idea.. but not alot of people will use them for whatever reason they want to believe in..

Chains.... Not recommended until in severe weather conditions or going offroading/up mountains etc....

Last winter i never used chains on my semi, If the roads that damn bad. i pull off the road and wait it out... I'd rather be a few hours late due to weather then being stuck in the ditch, with damage done to my car.. Thats why in the winter it's common sense to have 1/2 or more of fuel in the car..

Even driving the redline i was tired/slippery roads ( Got all season ) and pulled into the next time, slept in the car until the plow went by at 5am got home at 6am

If more people would use alittle common sence.. alot of mishaps wouldn't happen.

Chains are not necessary unless it's an emergency and somebody is dying and needs to get to a hospital so we are 100% in agreement there and I'm sure everybody else is as well.

As unfortunate as it sounds, common sense does not exist anymore, thus why the vast majority of ppl should be required to use ice rated winter tires during winter. As well, since I am targeting the vast majority of drivers that suck, they should also ensure they are NON-STUDDED, otherwise on dry pavement they'd get into actually has me second guessing my idea for studded tires next year and I might just stick with an ice tire without studs.

Glad to see a Truck driver that has respect for the road, props to you :) I would imagine there is quite a few that have zero respect for the road and still drive a semi..........:whymewhyme:bad news

I can't say I've ever had to pull off the road, unless I was getting stuck I would keep pushing forward, or if it was a whiteout I'd be off that road and down a sideroad to park and wait it out. I've had to pull off the road a few times due to fatigue and nearly falling asleep at the wheel but in the end I got off the road immediately.


Full Access Member
Aug 27, 2009
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quebec city
check this video. on march 8th 08, this was the first time i see that in person. car stop on highway, shoulder completly blocked. we always say that we wont never get snowstrom as ours parents and grand parents got in their time. their equipment was low tech. today with all new and more equipment this snowstrom was the century snowstrom for sure.


Aug 2, 2009
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The Great White North
they will not save a car with a driver who know fuk all on how to drive.

I disagree, drivers who suck in winter don't usually drive that fast, ppl are crawling along and all the sudden ppl are stopping and they don't realize it......slidddddddddddeeeee SMASH into the back of the vehicle infront of them, now, replay that situation with ice rated winter tires......sliddddddddddddeeeeee and probably half a foot from the vehicle infront of them they will stop, thus saving a fender bender, thus saving something for ppl to stop watching the road and go "o hey look an accident i gotta see this I've never watched them on TV, movies, youtube, goggle b4......" <----FAIL!!! but yet, because they are not paying attention BAM accident #2, accident #3 and #4 comes from more ppl not paying attention and hitting either the previous accidents or someone else. Now we have complete and total gridlock......go back to the beginning, ice rated winter tires, no first accident, and because of that #2 #3 #4 will no longer happen.......tell me again why Alberta enforcing ppl to use winter tires in WINTER, is a bad idea? I would go a step further and enforce ICE RATED tires vs just winter tires.

Mark, you are absolutely spot on when you say that when speed is involved there is no saving the accident.........but, that is only partially true. Give a poor driver ice rated winter tires and maybe they will avoid hitting another vehicle, they'd still put themselves into a pole/curb/barrier ect, but they would have a better chance of not hitting anyone else. Isn't that worth enforcing winter tires for winter driving conditions? We need some stats from Quebec and Ontario from before they enforced winter tires and again after, I bet the numbers speak for themselves.

---------- Post added at 07:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:31 AM ----------

check this video. on march 8th 08, this was the first time i see that in person. car stop on highway, shoulder completly blocked. we always say that we wont never get snowstrom as ours parents and grand parents got in their time. their equipment was low tech. today with all new and more equipment this snowstrom was the century snowstrom for sure.

That is 100% EXACTLY what Calgary looked like last week and the week before, that shit stuck around 2 weeks just piling up more and more till we FINALLY got a break and some above freezing temperatures the past few days and at least half has melted making our streets really really poor Cobalt looks like somebody smeared shit all over it.


Full Access Member
Aug 27, 2009
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quebec city
how the law work here. according to me, if you ve a crash without winter tire you get a fine of 400$. but how it really work, police make verification on road to check all 4 tires. but this is useless. quebec and lévis dont use that tactique but i heard that montreal doest it.


Junior Member
Jul 23, 2009
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haha this argument is never ending, i drove on winter tires last winter, they were great, im on all seasons this year commuting everyday and got around fine. You have to use extra precaution and etc, etc. This argument will never end. Winter tires are great but all seasons also "work" as mark said if you drive for conditions.

( I got up bow trail at coach hill on pure ice that day before they closed it down, yes it was scary but possible)

I dont think anyone would argue that winters are better but at the end of the day know whats on your vehicle and drive for conditions. Just dont have on summer high performance tires on like the BMW roadster did next to me that same day hahaha.


Aug 2, 2009
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The Great White North
haha this argument is never ending, i drove on winter tires last winter, they were great, im on all seasons this year commuting everyday and got around fine. You have to use extra precaution and etc, etc. This argument will never end. Winter tires are great but all seasons also "work" as mark said if you drive for conditions.

( I got up bow trail at coach hill on pure ice that day before they closed it down, yes it was scary but possible)

I dont think anyone would argue that winters are better but at the end of the day know whats on your vehicle and drive for conditions. Just dont have on summer high performance tires on like the BMW roadster did next to me that same day hahaha.

i bet that BMW didn't make it home without a tow truck lol.

I agree that all seasons if you drive for the conditions are "ok" but of course winters are much better and I think the vast majority of ppl if they were told the "law" requires winter tires they would put them on and be better off themselves as horrible drivers and for those who know how to drive could use all seasons, it would be kinda like the tint law out here, it's a law, but only if you do something stupid infront of a cop and he pulls you over for something else, the tint ticket is just the icing on the cake for them........


Full Access Member
Aug 27, 2009
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quebec city
all season tire become to be hard as a hockey puck under -15C. what a puck do on ice.

winter tire are softer compound that is better under minus **** all. but it true that all season tire can make the job but just to be carefull withe these and slow down your speed


Aug 2, 2009
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The Great White North
all season tire become to be hard as a hockey puck under -15C. what a puck do on ice.

winter tire are softer compound that is better under minus **** all. but it true that all season tire can make the job but just to be carefull withe these and slow down your speed

:( i just wish the majority of the drivers out there could be trusted with all seasons in winter or even in summer conditions for that matter:emotions122: why???? why did these ppl have to get a license!!!!!???


Full Access Member
Aug 27, 2009
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quebec city
we ve a issue here. ppl are runnning winter/ice tire during summer.

they test 3 season against winter tire on dry and wet pavement. Winter tire has a longer braking distance by 15% and less stability. softer compound and side wall.

here how quebeker thing. ok my winter tire are finished, keep them until next year and then buy new winter tire. but in fact you spend more money in gaz and it more dangerous.

used winter tire during summer are just good for excessive burn out lol
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