Even after two blower motor replacements, my cold and hot air blow extremely weak through all cycles 1-4. It speeds up slightly when I’m driving but not much. The blower motor is also very loud. Can anyone help?
Did you replace the cabin air filter ?
And did you check/clean the plenum area above the squirrel cage when you replaced the blower motors ?
Are you sure you put in the correct blower motor & squirrel cage for your application? And if you only replaced the motor and used the existing squirrel cage, did you make sure you correctly mounted it onto the motor shaft so that it is square and doesn’t wobble ?
Even after two blower motor replacements, my cold and hot air blow extremely weak through all cycles 1-4. It speeds up slightly when I’m driving but not much. The blower motor is also very loud. Can anyone help?
You should check the blower motor resistor, there's a very good chance that may be the issue. Here's a YouTube video on how to change it. You can Google on how to test it with a multimeter.