Never seen any, haven't check antifreeze, but if something was leaking inside I think in 200 miles on Saturday I would have noticed, no antifreeze smell inside either. I haven't driven it in rain, it just barely misting part of Saturday.
I can wash/hose it down in the garage if you think water coming in that way. In slab heating and I have a hose hooked up to it for washing and floor drains to take it away.
All the errors I think point to the BCM, but the wiring harness could be the real cause lack of communication with the ECM.
So options are replace the harness first or wait till it quits and have to have it towed to dealer, as soon as they spot or I point out the harness connector damage they'll likely say they need to replace it first. Harness looks like $200, probably $300 or more at the dealer. Haven't looked at it real close to see how hard to do, starter might be the lowest thing to reach.