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  1. E

    Sorry to say

    Hello all. I guess I never really did an intro on this forum although I first became a member 3-4 years ago and have posted several times since. But, today, I am sorry to say that my membership in the Cobalt Owners club has ended. My daughter traded in her 2007 last summer and we traded in...
  2. E

    09 cobalt lt door locks going crazy

    It happens in many vehicles. Most of the time, it winds up being bad grounding cables or bad battery cables.
  3. E

    Fuel Line Repair/Replacement

    I believe there are reasons they use steel other than cost. However, when I had my daughter's cobalt fuel line patched with rubber fuel line, it was simply due to economics. It was a lot cheapter to patch in a few feet of rubber fuel line than replace the entire run of steel.
  4. E

    2009 Cobalt

    If you go around a curve on a high way and the noise gets worse, that will typically mean the hub on the side opposite the turn is the bad one. FOr instance, if you are going 50mph and the road starts to curve left and the noise gets worse, the the right hub is likely the bad one. One of the...
  5. E

    Fuel Line Repair/Replacement

    This happened to my daughters 07 cobalt. It started leaking just in front of the drivers side rear wheel. I took it to a guy I know and he patched in some fuel line just like corvairbob. The guy said it was pretty big job as well, but it held for over a year and she just traded it in on a...
  6. E

    Cv axle

    I am wondering if something isn't bent or broken that not only caused the original to go out, but the two replacements as well. I agree with trying a quality name brand one next. Keep us posted on the results.
  7. E

    05 cobalt uses a lot of oil

    I would think that a loose intake at the manifold would throw all kinds of codes for a vacuum leak.
  8. E

    05 cobalt uses a lot of oil

    I hear you. My daughter's 2007 Cobalt (about 180,000 miles) eats oil too. It doesn't smoke, runs great and there is never any oil under it after parking in the garage. I think she is adding a quart every 400 miles or so. Where is it going? My wifes 2009 Cobalt doesn't use a drop and it has...
  9. E

    Rattle over bumpy roads while coming out of turns

    My steering column shakes rattles and rolls if I run over anything bigger than a penny. Been doing it for a couple years. With 200,000 on the car, I am not about to put money into it for repairs that are not necessary. I wouldn't worry about it if I were you.
  10. E

    2009 Cobalt

    Edit: I thought it said it happens when turning. I was going to suggest a bearing. my bad. Probably not a bearing. Are you saying this happens only when slowing down? Is your foot on the brake? Or just coasting?
  11. E

    Looking for stock steel rim

    I happened to find one local on Facebook. Just needed the right search terms to match the guys goofy add. $15.00 was a great deal.
  12. E

    Looking for stock steel rim

    My daughter hit a curb last night and bend her room. I'm looking for a cheap replacement Factory steel rim. The salvage yards around here wants $60 for one. I would think they're a dime a dozen. But I can't find anything cheaper on Facebook or Craigslist. any thoughts or suggestions Thanks...
  13. E

    Help help help 2010 Chevy cobalt

    Kara: My wife drives a 2009 and my daughter has a 2007. I am not a cobalt expert but they are not much different than most vehicles in most regards. What I would do first is disconnect the battery from the car. Then FULLY charge it up and reconnect it. This would solve two possible...
  14. E

    Thermostat Help and EVAP

    My advice would be to replace it with an AC-Delco thermostat. My daughter has a 2007 Cobalt and I replaced hers about three years ago and it has been fine since. Seems these cars only work well with OEM parts and aftermarket parts are hit and miss.
  15. E

    Replace driver door handle on 2007 SS

    My daughter just broke her's off....after I told her that if the door is frozen shut, it won't help to just keep pulling harder...well, she pulled harder. I watched a couple of youtube videos on changing the handle, but it seems they are all for the newer version doors where you don't even have...
  16. E

    Difficulty changing thermostat

    I changed the thermostat on my daughter's 2007, 2.2L. It was very simple. I just used a socket wrench and extension. I think the whole process took me 10 minutes.
  17. E

    Vibration at speeds, 50+

    Bad tires in general. Sent from my Galaxy S4 via TapaTalk

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