Recent content by mrsilent13

  1. mrsilent13


    i drive an hhr ss now...can i be included?
  2. mrsilent13

    Need Help Impressing Girl, Her cobalt was in a accident

    seatbelts need replacement...thats the only fix for them...for the sensors...if airbags did not go off...there must be an issue with the airbag system and it needs to get will need a tech 2 and CANdi module to retrieve the codes from the airbag module and figuere out wat the...
  3. mrsilent13

    garrett turbo manifold

    i know someone who wants this ill see if he is interested
  4. mrsilent13

    battery indicator lite

    this is the first i hear about this happening on you live in an area where cars corrode alot? if so def check all connections to the charging system...alternator and such. if they are not loose...take them off anyway and do some cleaning with a wire brush and some corrosive...
  5. mrsilent13

    hi are u the girl from bullrun?

    hi are u the girl from bullrun?
  6. mrsilent13

    BlackCobalt707's 06 LS/TC build thread

    man you are having some issues...sorry to hear...hope you fix her soon...dont'll get it right...hopefully sooner than later...are you using t-bolt clamps where its popping off? if not...u should
  7. mrsilent13

    FEELER: AEM TruBoost EBC

    i have both installed....i havent really hooked up the truboost yet but its ill see how it goes...i was going to do the work today a bit lazy and all my tools are at work right now...i really dont feel like going to work right now on my day off
  8. mrsilent13

    New Front Page!

    i likes
  9. mrsilent13


    SoCal Ecotecs aka SCE
  10. mrsilent13

    FEELER: AEM TruBoost EBC

    well bump for you to get that AEM sold
  11. mrsilent13

    Im sellin it.. (pics)

    are you parting out? if you are im interested in the Custom painted fromt bumper and front lip
  12. mrsilent13

    WTT seat belts

    a 2 foot breaker bar and 2 torx sockets later...i was able to get it off. ---------- Post added at 11:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:24 AM ---------- cheap tools....but who cares....snap on, matco, crasftman has warraties
  13. mrsilent13

    Pics of this 19 year old Escort I got a week ago

    wow shes in her
  14. mrsilent13

    FEELER: AEM TruBoost EBC

    15 shipped
  15. mrsilent13

    FEELER: AEM TruBoost EBC


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