Recent content by cobalt123

  1. cobalt123

    new to the forum, 06 ss/sc

    TTR mounts are a good investment.
  2. cobalt123

    2009 Cobalt LT (new remote, not keyless)

    depends on the dealer...some charge some dont. when i bought some new key fobs the dealer near me had a good constumer service department and programmed 2 of them for free..
  3. cobalt123


    its capable of being modded but it take alot of money to make it fast. Supercharge or turbocharge can be done. you can supercharge it for between 1500-2500 usd depending on how picky you are with the parts.
  4. cobalt123

    100k mile maintenance?

    replacing filters if you havent in the last 15-20k miles... fuel filter cabin air filter intake air filter Lucas Injector fluid change oil if needed top off all fluids tire rotation and balance tire alignment some other minor stuff
  5. cobalt123

    Cold air intake

  6. cobalt123

    Need higher top speed...

    trade it in for a car already turbo'd or supercharged.
  7. cobalt123

    need used cat and flex pipe (DFW local only!

    vibrant downpipes only work on vibrant exhaust for the cobalt 2.2s fyi
  8. cobalt123


    so far so good
  9. cobalt123

    New from Sao Paulo - Brazil

  10. cobalt123

    not sure about the exhaust question. adding a silencer to it my kill HP

    not sure about the exhaust question. adding a silencer to it my kill HP
  11. cobalt123

    RockAuto Discount Code - Valid through 6/05/2012

    damn i wish this was a few weeks ago i bought a o2 sensor from you guys
  12. cobalt123

    id just google search for reflectors should come up with it

    id just google search for reflectors should come up with it
  13. cobalt123

    How To 2.2 Airbox Mod

    probably been deleted or an inactive photobucket account

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