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Rear trailing arm is solid mild steel... Ours is a higher carbon conent that that steel, which means it is stronger yet. The rear trailing arm bends!
Who is this OURS and We stuff.... aren't you the ONLY one!
Rear trailing arm is solid mild steel... Ours is a higher carbon conent that that steel, which means it is stronger yet. The rear trailing arm bends!
Who is this OURS and We stuff.... aren't you the ONLY one!
Rear trailing arm is solid mild steel... Ours is a higher carbon conent that that steel, which means it is stronger yet. The rear trailing arm bends!
There is reason in this statement...personally, I feel further investigation into the reason this particular bar bent.
We would love to! But guess what, the OP is running around posting this everywhere, but WONT contact us, so we can get this bar back, verify it is EVEN OURS, and find out what happened.
We use the same material as Progress, but theirs is smaller, which makes are sway bars stronger yet, It is doubtfull this is all the truth here.
Lets get the sway bar back here and we can help him out.
We have sold 100's and this is the first time something this bad. Also look at the paint, that really makes us wonder!
You mean lack thereof right?
Really though guys, how many miles are on this thing? Is it even TTR? This is the interwebz, not everyone has the same agenda.
Look at the first picture, the sway bar is fixed at one end and it hangs down a bit, NOT 4".
But then on a so called "flat" table it is 4" common sense here... The one on the car should hang more than 4" if it is bent, becuase of the weight of the bar deflects!
He wont contact us? Why? We get it back and find out it is not ours, was not properly shown? Etc... Makes you wonder why he wont contact us.
This thread should not be open if he wont contact us and send it back...
I must disagree with you on this, freedom of speech.
I will not become like the CSS mods and ban people or close/delete threads simply because they insulted a vendor, I'll give up my Mod status on morals alone before I do that.
How does anyone even know this is ours, or if those pictures are real? The OP wont talk to us, has yet to try, we would love to get it back for verification.
If within a week the original OP has not attempted to talk to you guys I see no reason not to delete this thread.