I watched that vid and if u have ur maf sensor b4 ur bov then u will be running rich since the maf reads the air then the bov releases the air then goes into the car. So unmeasured air is going into the throttle body. To prevent this u need to recirculate the bov back into the intake pipe.
That is how the garret kit is set up.
I am currently converting my garret recirculating kit to atmospheric. So i need to relocate the maf sensor close to the throttle body and plug up the hole on the intake where the recirculating hose connected to.
Then a retune and good to go.
So then the air goes into the turbo....then released by the bov....then goes to the maf sensor where it reads the air....then into ur throttle body.
hope that helps anyone out
these info are criticals, here the best exemple
i have reflashed this 2.2 for a 2.2T tune.
his car was always stalling no matter what. vince write 5+ tune to solve it. MAF was to close of his filter. put 4'' straight before and after, just to give it a chance to have a clear and nice air flow
then, after some discussions on quebec forum, marc custom a recirculate hose from a atmosph BOV. you guys see can the huge hose over the engine
with this hose the car go from the hell to the paradis. according to the log nothing had to change. oh yeah we ve changed a 7psi spring for a 8spring and log was perfect according to TFT
maybe retune you not need it. you will see it when turn the key