parting out the car as much as i can to still trade it in or sell it as is for the most part
parts im selling for sure
- gloss black retros with 6k hid kit 400 shipped obo
- mrz polished strut bar 120 shipped
- mrz polished fluid caps with cf in the middle - SOLD
- ttr upper engine mount - SOLD
- ttr rear sway bar - SOLD
- leather with white stitching auto shift boot 20
- leather with white stitching ebrake boot 20
- bad mab header - SOLD
- polished catch can - SOLD
- 6k hid fog lights - SOLD
- buyhids license plate frame 10
- shorty antenna - 20
- red trifecta tuning cable 120
- complete supercharger kit - 1500
- injen hydroshield - 10
- oem fog lights - 100 shipped
- cargo net - 10
- led dome light 5
- led license plate light - 5
pics wil be up soon and so will prices till then make offers thanks
parts im selling for sure
- gloss black retros with 6k hid kit 400 shipped obo
- mrz polished strut bar 120 shipped
- mrz polished fluid caps with cf in the middle - SOLD
- ttr upper engine mount - SOLD
- ttr rear sway bar - SOLD
- leather with white stitching auto shift boot 20
- leather with white stitching ebrake boot 20
- bad mab header - SOLD
- polished catch can - SOLD
- 6k hid fog lights - SOLD
- buyhids license plate frame 10
- shorty antenna - 20
- red trifecta tuning cable 120
- complete supercharger kit - 1500
- injen hydroshield - 10
- oem fog lights - 100 shipped
- cargo net - 10
- led dome light 5
- led license plate light - 5
pics wil be up soon and so will prices till then make offers thanks
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