Forgot to post up pictures of my 2.2 after I painted the trim.

Bringing back an old thread. Just tried doing a test piece and the Fusion spray nozzle was crap! Spit and splattered everywhere. Of coarse it produced a crap finish. Thankfully it was a test piece out of the junk yard.
Question, if the black I use doesn't match the ebony of the dash, I'll have to paint the dash. How do you remove the dash cover?
lol i like the beer and cigs
several 7mm hex bolts 4-5 up top near the windsheild and 4-6 underneath the dash trim. Also the speedo hood needs to come out first thats another 2 screws thats perpendicular to the steering wheel.
Thanks, I'll give it a try if need be. Hopefully black matches the "ebony".
Just now got done. Wasn't too hard. How do the steering wheel pieces come off tho? And the face plate over the gauges... ?
I've read in a few places on people wondering how hard it is to remove the nickel plated bezels around our steering wheel controls. It seems hard at first because most people is afraid of the airbag goin off. You dont have to worry about that part. You do not have to disconnect the airbag to remove them.
Sorry for the sorry pics but the only camera I have at the time is my cellphone.
And, don't be to hard on me. This is my first how to.
Tools needed:
Small blunt ended tool to fit in the holes in the at the side of the steering wheel. I'm using a phillips pocket screwdriver
#25 torx bit screwdriver.
You grab your tool of choice(mine was the pocket screwdriver) and locate your 2 holes(one on each side) of the steering wheel
You insert your tool in the hole about 1/4" and you should feel it hit something.
Here's the tricky part. You are looking (by feeling) for the release wire located just under my red arrow in the pic below.
Once you've think you found that wire with the tool, you press straight in and pull up as I did in the next pic. You should only have to insert it another 1/4" to release the bag. Leave it lifted like the pic and do the same for the other side.
Leave the airbag hanging like I did off the bottom of the steering wheel. There should be just enough wiring on the bag to let it hang and be just out of the way for you to have access to the screws holding the bezels.
Use your #25 torx bit screwdriver to remove the screws(one on each bezel)
You should be able to wiggle it a little bit and raise the bezel up to disconnect the single connector on the switch.
Now you have them removed, you might find it easier to remove the actual switch from the bezel to paint them. That's what I did.
To install, you just follow the steps backwards for installing the bezels. The airbag part, you have to align the small shafts to the holes in the steering wheel as in pic 4 with the blue and yellow marks around it.
again, sorry for the bad pics.
Your horn will honk when you push the airbag back on.
Thanks for reading