intercooler pump


Platinum Member
Jul 18, 2009
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Tyler Texas
just to show can still post on

Parts Needed:

Meziere Pump

Pump Fitting

Home Depot Parts

1 - 3' Heavy Gauge Angle Aluminum (recommended over steel since it is under your car)
2 - 4" Bolts
4 - 1" Bolts
12 - Flat washers
6 - Lock washers
6 - Nuts

First start with safety and make sure your car is supported with blocks, so there is no way the car can fall on you. I always use these paralambs from when i built my parents house.

Removing the existing Bosch pump
First start by unpluging the pump. Since you will not be needing this harness again you can just rip the metal spring off, and the plug will pull apart easy.

Now Remove the two bolts holding down the IC Pump to the motor bracket.

Next remove the hoses off of the pump and let the antifreeze drain out

Now that the pump is removed, we can continue by removing the bracket that holds the pump to the engine. This isn't really necessary, but it will make it a lot easier to work since it opens up a lot of space under there.

Start by removing the lower screw at the bottom of the bracket.

Next remove the two screws at the top of the bracket

Here is a picture with the bracket removed

Now we can start with the fabricating of the new bracket to hold the IC pump.

First start by cutting off a 6" piece of the angle aluminum. Place the aluminum in a vice to cut. I used my roto-zip with the rotary attachment and metal blade. Use eye protection here because aluminum shards will be flting everywhere.

Now de-burr the metal by using a grinder or file.

Check the to make sure the bracket fits properly.

Now make a bracket the exact same size as the first bracket.

Now drill two holes as shown in the drawing below. This will be your main support bracket that will be connected to the main engine support.

Now place the second piece of metal on top of the main support bracket and drill two holes through both pieces.

This is what the final piece should look like.

Now lets get started with drilling the Main engine support bracket. First take your main support bracket and hold it up to the main engine support. Mark the holes with a pencil, so you know where to drill. You are going to need to do the same thing for the other side of the main engine support since you will have to drill from both sides of the support.

Now that the holes are drilled, use the 4" bolts, washer, main support bracket,
main engine support, washer, lock washer, then nut. Use locktite here so the nuts will not loosen over time.


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