Hey!! I was invited to go there and "work" for 7 days... free flight, room, expenses, food, etc. from a local guy around here who goes every year! I couldn't convince Terry to go, though. Damn him...
I for damn sure will be going next year, though!
I was gonna go with Turbonetics, but couldn't get the time off.
sad!!! woulda been fun to meet more then mrsilent!!!!! (pretty cool guy btw

just won some cash on the slots

and now im walking away

pics from today are on the laptop...some SWEEEEET cars!!!!
will get more tomorrow
got to meet some cool people too

stacey david from gearz, dan woods from chop cut rebuild, ken block from the subi USA rally team, the host from my classic car...and that was just today!!! tomorrow is travis pastrana and chip foose

will have pics of all when i get back, will be off work till wed, so between sat and then ill post it all up
honestly though, save for sema, i probly wont have the want to come back to vegas...not really my thing (esp after the first night....)
buddy told me about this
"cool" drink at the harrahs...its called "a yard" cause its 3ft tall!!!!! so i got a 3ft tall screwdriver (comes witha neck strap...ya...) and managed to drink 3/4 of it by the time we walked back to our hotel....it had a full 1/5th of vodka in it and we made it back in 30min ish....so ya.....needless to say my night ended REALLY nasty hahahaha, first night before sema i spent every 30-60min running for the bathroom and went to sema (on a series of elevators, escalators, and tram ways) hung over....that suckked till it wore off and i dont really feel like drinking any more hahahahahaha
anywhos, enoughs for now, will post more and pics (and some sweet vette and trophy truck vids) later!!!!!
thanks for all the hate, love ya ll too