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believe you me, i know how expensive it is already
You should have no problem getting to 230whp. I've been cranking out 258whp for over a year now and i have a stock motor 2.2. The turbo that is on my car is a T60-1 Hybrid turbo w/ ceramic ball bearings. I'm only running 10psi but the turbo flows 786 cfms. It has a 3 stage compressor wheel in the housing.
I'll be finishing up my motor build this winter and should be putting down 400+whp by next summer.
and PS... automatics loose more HP to the wheels then a stick, so with that said i dyno'd 258.94whp in my automatic cobaltfood for thought on what you might end up making for power.
you woulda made a hell of a lot more power turbo then NA for cheaper
i got a cheap set up for less then that. more like around $1750. but yet and still, look at tom, he got a fully built engine and make maybe 200whp and ask him how much money he put into his car. turbo set up with a gt2860 mid 200 whp with plenty of room to upgrade. not knockin you dude. i dont know what your bank is like, but i personally think you shoulda kept going on with your turbo build if was going for straight power
dude, i was gettin parts for dumb cheap lol. t25 for $100, intercooler/piping/manifold $200 and that was only a couple parts i got for dirt cheap. im tellin you, im the deal finder lol. but i feel ya tho with the wanting to save for the next car. i want a 4 door next, but im gonna pay off the cobalt next year first