Voting will be held from January 29th to 31st.
Please post a link to your submission thread
Please post a link to your submission thread
Rules for entry and voting:
-Members can submit 1 entry per month
-Only Delta body cars can enter (Cobalt, Ion, G5, HHR)
-Entries can be made from the 1st of every month and will be closed 3 days before the end of the month for voting
-Please be clear in the title that it is a COTM submission and who's it is...such as: Cobalt Tom's October COTM thread
-Submit a list of your modifications & up to 10 pictures (please use at least 5)
-Include a list of options purchased with the car, year, make, model, etc.
-Voting will be held in this forum the last 3 days of every month with a poll that one of the mods/admin will create. If we fail to do so please let us know.
-Be respectful of others cars and submissions
-After winning, please wait five months before running again. Example: If I won January, I can't run again until July.
-In the event of a tie, there will be a run off poll to determine the winner.
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