FASTL61 said:
0-W30?!?!?!?!?!?!.Really?Reason behind this please.Not flaming or hating but just interested in why you use this weight?
Maven said:
...Dubby whytf are you using 0w30???? Its colder here in jersey than by you and i still use 5w30
Maven hit on it, sorta. At cold start-up, even if you live in the desert, any weight of oil is too thick to circulate and do it's job properly so you want oil with the lowest number you can find for its "cold" viscosity number. That way the engine is being protected as quickly as possible.
And Maven was spot on about something else he said. Don't believe everything you hear on a commercial. Just like anything else someone is selling, they bend the facts and/or tell you half-truths to make what they're selling sound better. I'm not bagging on Castrol, btw. They are one of the better companies and I've been using their european formula 0w30 syntec in my ZO6 and past toys for years. As far as the Edge stuff goes, I haven't tried it and I've heard both good and bad about it so

I'd say you're probably good, though.