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depends on where the throttle body goes
alright. cause some people on css was kinda bashing me for having a exhaust leak and runnin meth. but i still gotta fix that leak either way. its killin my boost
Pulling timing doesn't add poweru mean added more timing..."pulled more" sounds like you dropped it back a few degrees, how much timing u running? I'm @16* w/17psi
dont say that and no bashing.
if you have time to tune you have time to video it
since 3 years we ask for a video lol
Pulling timing doesn't add poweru mean added more timing..."pulled more" sounds like you dropped it back a few degrees, how much timing u running? I'm @16* w/17psi
lol i know i know. i wanna get it perfect before i post for everyone to see in the interner
my bad, i meant add more. but im not sure how much. ill ask vince tomorrow. im only boostin like 8-9 psi now, but i will up it to 18 when i get my stuff fixed. gaskets should be in tomorrow so by friday or saturday i should have it fixed. but trust me, 8-9 psi on this turbo is like OHHHHH MYYYYYYYYYY GOOOOOOOOOOOD