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  1. bradywayne23

    i hope zzp will warranty this》》》 look

    This is not a diss on zzp by any means; i respect zzp and all people associated with them. I would just like to be able to finally drive my cobalt ss!
  2. bradywayne23

    i hope zzp will warranty this》》》 look

    I have a 09 cobalt ss tc. New engine from zzp. 11000 miles on the motor. I took it to a dealer ship for check engine light and they sent my number 3 piston into my head. The rod snapped. I have about 100 pieces in my oil pan now and a cracked block. But my dad has been talkin to zzp about it and...
  3. 20141202 174732

    20141202 174732

  4. 20141202 174757

    20141202 174757

  5. 20141107 194641

    20141107 194641

  6. 20141229 142319

    20141229 142319

  7. 20141202 174916

    20141202 174916

  8. 20141202 174751

    20141202 174751

  9. bradywayne23

    I have a 09 ss tc that the engine blew up. It was from zzp; it had 11000 miles on it. We r going...

    I have a 09 ss tc that the engine blew up. It was from zzp; it had 11000 miles on it. We r going to send the engine to zzp performance on monday hopefully for warranty. Ill let you all know what happens
  10. bradywayne23

    the best place to buy a lnf engine? 2009 cobalt ss turbo

    I have a 09 cobalt ss turbo and blew up the engine. Anyone know any good places to buy short or long block engines? The engine i had was from zzp with only 11000 miles on it and they wont warranty it. Need any good engine dealers and tuners
  11. bradywayne23

    new and need assistance with my 09 ss

    No problem haha. Do you think that will help the idle?
  12. bradywayne23

    new and need assistance with my 09 ss

    Yes lined them up and put back in the block and tightened down the 10mm bolt ---------- Post added at 09:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:16 PM ---------- I dont get the p0351 code. Only p0017
  13. bradywayne23

    new and need assistance with my 09 ss

    Yes i did
  14. bradywayne23

    new and need assistance with my 09 ss

    Well i have #4 and tdc and unhooked the battery and put the sensor back in and nothing changed. Still idles like i have a cam and vac pressure it at -10 instead of -20 and i sprayed throttle body cleaner all over my hoses and couldnt find a vaccum leak anywhere
  15. bradywayne23

    new and need assistance with my 09 ss

    Okay i will try that tommorow morning. Thanks i appreciate it ill keep you posted. ---------- Post added at 12:11 AM ---------- Previous post was Yesterday at 11:22 PM ---------- Tdc on firing stroke or does it matteralways phone
  16. bradywayne23

    new and need assistance with my 09 ss

    Okay so what can i do now?
  17. bradywayne23

    new and need assistance with my 09 ss

    The guy i bought it from put the ldk in. He said the previous lnf used antifreeze internally and the ldk handled more torque. And i tried the air box today and diffrent maf sensor and no change. It also make a loud pop noise in 2nd gear between 5000 and 6000 rmps and 30 psi. Also puts put alot...
  18. bradywayne23

    new and need assistance with my 09 ss

    I have a 2009 cobalt ss/tc. I have the LDK crate engine installed. Only has 10,000 miles on engine and new turbo. Heres the problem: My car usually has a vaccum pressure of -20 but now its at -10. Started it up and it just happened. I have catless downpipe, exhaust and i just put a cold air...

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