Don't be mad because I dont see the extreme need for some stickers at this moment like you do. I'm sure the people behind this site have something called a life that comes first. So in light of that I'm sure they will happen when it does. If you are that impatient for them find a vendor...
isnt someone at home that can bring you a spare, or just call a loksmith, be better than breaking a taillight especially if you dont even know if you can get in
From my experience alot of dramam happens when ppl take themselves too seriously to begin with, especially mod. Not to say the mods here fit that example but sometimes its best to just let things play out and let a froum evolve instead of trying to dictate the way a forum is gonna behave...
Is it so hard for a moderator to post why the thread is being closed if there is no outright reason?
I dont even know what ion thread it was, however its never good for the users of a forum to feel like they hae to walk on eggshells.
I'm sure moderators dont want to be perceived as...