remembers when i installed my 1st aftermarket stereo in my 1st car...
toyota corolla 1990 sedan (LE) and the deck was a Kenwood k119s iirc
had to use washers to bring it out (since i had no spacers) lol...
had to use bout ¼" thick of washers to bring it just enough to use the ring around the...
if you believe everyone you won't go anywhere lol...)
simply buy a dash install kit (usually around 40-50$)
and a harness adaptor (around 20-30$ - and iirc wich is usually included in the install kit)
doesn't look lowered at all lol
this was my ion when i got her
and this is it now
same car
only diff pic #1 has 15"
and #2 has 17"
same overall diameter
and (1.6" lowered all around)
as uiqueness i'll stay unique a long time i hope
cause i'm redoin my seats with those lol
BLACK GENUINE STINGRAY SKIN LEATHER HIDE PELT 13"x26" A on (item 270464249454 end time 31-Mar-10 01:03:02 EDT)
each day where i used to work (from home to work and back: 30 miles) and for last month i was doin 70... (so didn't really help on mileage lol)
from june 9th 2006 to march 22th 2010 i've done exactly 99895km
the ss front bumper idea was for me?
cause i prefer my current bumper lol...
and i'm almost @ 60k miles so 100 000km should hit it this week (200km away from)
yup stock radio lights are orange
my gauge stock are white, june 2008 i went all red
and back in october 2009 i ordered some white and amber led so this pattern is
white, white, amber and red
might raise back the rear end of th car and get my axle bout 2" wider (to get wheels flush with fenders) or simply use wheel spacers
retint my headlight/tail (wich i do twice a year)
and this week i'm giving it alot of love... will rewash'n'wax(2-in-1) + it usual coat of turtlewax...