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  1. Tom

    CBodnar's Photoshop Collection

    The Terrain has a towing package.
  2. Tom

    CBodnar's Photoshop Collection

    little here little there, my folks both have a GMC Terrain and its a pretty cool interior.
  3. Tom

    look at what i got today!!

    Nice, now i just need to sell my 3rd gens lol
  4. Tom

    CBodnar's Photoshop Collection

    dude i could start a GM! interior upgrade shop, lack of interior style is not limited to the balt:rofl:
  5. Tom

    CBodnar's Photoshop Collection

    I like my interior its getting better and better each hour today :) (there will be a thread and a how to coming soon :)
  6. Tom

    zach arman and tom..get your a** in here :)

    ha I wish it was the rear, It was passenger front, froze myself stupid taking the hub apart last night. Now i just need to put my interior back together :rofl:(another project)
  7. Tom

    Houston Picture Meet-Information Thread

    i have a nice parking garage here in cinco ranch that we often meet at?
  8. Tom

    Gen 5 headlights? or am I wrong?

    ha, i never seen gen2 without it...looks incomplete
  9. Tom

    Gen 5 headlights? or am I wrong?

  10. Tom

    FS: Bunch of stuff.......PICS!!!!!

    Ill take the center console, depending on the shipping, Houston 77450. Thanks
  11. Tom

    CBodnar's Photoshop Collection

    Your idea is still fail man, The reason why there are base models with nothing in them is so they can sell the car for cheap, load it with more options and the poorer population cant afford it....And your claim to put less power for cost is just thinking backwards...
  12. Tom

    zach arman and tom..get your a** in here :)

    Im open, i just need to replace a wheel stud before i start rollin again.
  13. Tom

    Took A Couple Of Pic's of the Balt

    no clue, lost track of all that...maybe some time before the 19th. If we do get something going , you should join in man!
  14. Tom

    Took A Couple Of Pic's of the Balt

    lookin good man!
  15. Tom

    Ha, I captured it!

    haha botz? random note:I wonder if any one has clicked your "noob" link zach, being that noob is condescending i doubt it lol
  16. Tom

    H.I.D help!!

    post pics of your kit, they should be plug and play
  17. Tom

    Do you want a Chat Room for

    no i do understand...and its still gay.
  18. Tom

    CBodnar's Photoshop Collection

    no thats an awful idea....I would never buy a true base model. Theres a reason why there are many models, thats so many different people can afford them...Your on a roll today of awful ideas lol.
  19. Tom

    Do you want a Chat Room for

    chat room chat box,there both completely gay ideas....Go to eharmony if your looking to chat...
  20. Tom

    Coilpack Engine dress up cover.

    2 of the 3 shipped out today. I have one left!!
  21. Tom

    New Pics

    clean and pristine, very nice man
  22. Tom

    CBodnar's Photoshop Collection

    I already have sportlines, just really thin tires, once i have the right rubbers it will look even better.
  23. Tom

    Do you want a Chat Room for

    chat room? what is this middle school... btw we tried a chat box at, it failed miserably...
  24. Tom

    CBodnar's Photoshop Collection

    looks great, thanks again man!

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