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  1. Jhop16

    claybard... and wingless :]]

  2. Jhop16

    Front Lip for sale

    so is this still for sale or what??..
  3. Jhop16

    car/ ride of the mo

    oh, you meant poseing two cars??..... yahhh me too!!! .... totally ... :think: theres no cobalts near me, only basemodels EVERYWHERE... i've seen like 1 SS, and hes a douchebag i gave him the thumbs up , he got all pissed reved up and flipped me the bird...
  4. Jhop16

    car/ ride of the mo

    sure... who wants to pose with me? cmon guys.. lets stick together!.. just not during the photoshoot
  5. Jhop16

    car/ ride of the mo

    I'll pose nakey with my car... that can be our websites special kind of COTM.... lol our... dirty little secret if you will :think:
  6. Jhop16

    New little bumper mod that I finally decided to do.

    eh, i like the bottum part, i dont like the center bar tho, just my 2cents
  7. Jhop16

    Wierd hissing noise....

    that sucks, theres no way im touching the TB... last time i took it off i had to pay the assholes at a chevy dealership 400 bucks to put a new one on..
  8. Jhop16

    Wierd hissing noise....

    Okay... So today I heard this really loud hissing noise comeing from the front end so i pulled over and me and my brother examined it for awhile, this is what we found.. 1) It DOESNT do it in park... only in drive 2) The motor rocks alot when i put it drive from park.. 3) The hissing goes...
  9. Jhop16

    limp mode?

    hey man is that ion a 2.4L??.... I unbolted my TB like 4 months back put it down, cleaned it out and then bolted it back up and went to limp mode... took it to the shop and i had to pay them 340 dollars for a new TB cuz one of the MANY sensors was malfunctioning, the guy told me theyre very...
  10. Jhop16

    Moisture in the headlights =(

    I fail at painting my headlights ... today i washed it and both fogged up... its not the first time i washed it since i painted them tho, so its sorta wierd... i just let it go and the hole light eventually fogs up... when i turn my headlights on most of it goes away but not all of it...
  11. Jhop16

    WTB: Painted headlights

    i have a set of black housing's if u know how to take apart the stockers and just put the blacks in ...
  12. Jhop16

    Spark Plugs!

    huh? ---------- Post added at 09:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:43 PM ---------- how bout wires??.. i can't seem to find any wires online unless im not looking in the right place
  13. Jhop16

    Spark Plugs!

    Whatchya guys suggest??... I'm doing an oil change in a couple weeks and want to change my plugs and want the best...
  14. Jhop16

    my own version of the skyline/vette tail lights..

    Hey FASTL61, does the bulb u used kinda look ... pinkish??... lol mine seems to have a pinkish tint to it compared to the tail-lights... hmmph
  15. Jhop16

    my own version of the skyline/vette tail lights..

    it isnt hard... i'll explain what i did on mine... 1) goto autozone, pop ur trunk, pull out one of ur reverse light bulbs... then go inside and goto the light bulbs, and find a yellow package with red bulbs in it that match the ones u have in ur hand... theyre like 3 bucks 2) take...
  16. Jhop16

    my own version of the skyline/vette tail lights..

    whats a 194 socket? is that the 3157 bulb socket? ... if so... thats awsome, got any pics of it??
  17. Jhop16

    my own version of the skyline/vette tail lights..

    So... being the 20 year old i am with the idc attitude lol.. i removed my reverse lights and replaced them with red bulbs, and hooked the power wire to my tail-light power ... Note: i plan on buying 2 small lights to hide under wher ethe license plate is for my reverse lights... but for...
  18. Jhop16

    Car Wash= Scratched Hood

    idk how to buff... and i think the reason it got scruffed is cuz there was alot of dust behind the emblem, i think it just acted like sandpaper :/
  19. Jhop16

    Car Wash= Scratched Hood

    i'm going to try that meg's stuff.... i removed my rear bowtie and theres a few scruffs in the clear coat :[
  20. Jhop16

    Classified Section Member Feedback

    Username: AAS G5 Item: SS Emblems Link To Thread: - As Described: Yes.. Rating(1-10, 10 being the highest) 10 Would You Buy Again: Yes Additional Comments: They are like brand new, and for a great price... A++++
  21. Jhop16

    How to paint your headlights

    i just did mine today, i used a small hair dryer....
  22. Jhop16

    Re-did my headlights...

    Well. a few months ago i baught black headlights on ebay, got basically stock lights w/ black housing... and one was busted on the inside... so today i decided to take apart my stock lights and the new ones i had gotten.... I took the yoke out, uesd my stock reflectors... and painted the housing...
  23. Jhop16

    The OFFICIAL Rim/Tire Pic Thread

    Stock 18" SS/SC Wheels, Painted Graphite w/ Clear... 215/35/R18 Falken tires
  24. Jhop16

    painted headlights

    i think thatd look hot... i vote do it!
  25. Jhop16

    I need pics!!

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