Recent content by Robinson

  1. Robinson

    2010 Cobalt Coupe availability

    It's not really the Dealers job to do it, it's done more as a courtesy, because if the dealer doesnt have it and can't do a trade on it then they have to buy it and pay for transport which in turn eats away at the profit and could be worth more hassle for the dealership than its worth.
  2. Robinson

    2010 Cobalt Coupe availability

    take it as a sign to buy a different car. You'll thank me.
  3. Robinson

    Audio Stuff

    Need to raise some money so I'm selling parts of my system. I know its not top of the line stuff but it actually sounds pretty good. Whole system works perfectly fine. Subwoofer Box alone is valued at $75. Asking $125 + shipping. Originally paid close to 400 for whole setup...
  4. Robinson

    my car is officially away for the winter

    lol @ people who have to put away cars for the winter.
  5. Robinson

    Time to Say Goodbye

    technically you probably are still paying for 2, most likely they buried the extra money they gave you on the trade into the cost of the mazda somewhere.
  6. Robinson

    Parking Ticket - color description

    if they got the vin and plates right, then the cars not misidentified. Why does everyone want to try to fight a ticket that they knowingly deserve.
  7. Robinson

    Time to Say Goodbye

    aftermarket parts get you less on a tradein. Jeff, you'd probably get 5k, maybe a lil over. 6k if you give the guy a reach around.
  8. Robinson

    Chevy Cobalt Seatbelt Problems from a concerned mother

    She's yelling at GM
  9. Robinson

    Chevy Cobalt Seatbelt Problems from a concerned mother

    if it was the 3 year old that head the strap aroung them they it shouldnt even be in a seat that uses seat belts as the restraint. They should still be in a 5 point harness toddler or booster seat. The seat belt be of no use. If it was the 5 year old, then i'd think the kid was playing with...
  10. Robinson

    $85 Track day at Horse Thief Mile - November 20 - 21st in SoCal

    It's Cali, Not Oklahoma. Everything is more expensive here.
  11. Robinson

    Chevy Cobalt Seatbelt Problems from a concerned mother

    like others have said, how did it get around the kids neck in the first place? It doesnt get like that on accident. My 4 year old goes in my car on occasion and she's never even messed with the seat belt.
  12. Robinson

    been talkin w admin and who would be interested?

    sure why the **** not. it's a free mod so why not.
  13. Robinson


    Where at in S.D.?
  14. Robinson

    Jet Chip

    I hear Jet is crap shit anyways
  15. Robinson - Chevy Cobalt / Pontiac G5 Door sill decals

    i was just asking becuase this forum although primarily for cobalts is a full delta freindly forum, so it would be nice once your lineup has expanded.

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