Recent content by kawkinurjawl

  1. kawkinurjawl

    Were did you get your graphics from?? :think:

    Were did you get your graphics from?? :think:
  2. kawkinurjawl

    Smoked the lights

    looks sick, every time i tint my headlights with vht it turns out bad and i have 3 years worth of exp with paint cans >.< i finally just said screw it and left them tinted and bought an 8000k xenon HID kit from Petra in Edmond, OK. My prep for painting usually takes me 2-3 hours so I cant be...
  3. kawkinurjawl

    Jet Chip

    Trifecta tune ftw. Btw, I had no idea that Jet even made a chip for the cobalt!!! Must be so cruddy that nobody likes to talk about it lol!!
  4. kawkinurjawl

    like my COBALT LT? SEXY right?

    thats what im thinking lol. black and red wheels then blue under the hood...? looks good though. I'm too lazy to paint my cover so i just threw it away and painted my valve cover instead. :think:
  5. kawkinurjawl


    go to O'Reillys and get some clear coat spray paint for your tails, it will give them a gloss finish instead of the flat nightshade finish, btw sand with 2000 grit paper them clean with wet rag then dry it as much as possible. check out my pics for an idea on how they look with clear coat.
  6. kawkinurjawl

    Do I need to replace my rotors?

    I have the same question! When I'm braking from 60mph to 15mph for a turn into my neighborhood (I live off a hwy) my steering wheel pulls to the right and i get shaking as well. I know they need to be replaced but my general question is, should I switch to a aftermarket set-up or not?
  7. kawkinurjawl

    Wanting to paint my headliner

    thanks! :)
  8. kawkinurjawl

    Drop comparisons.

    I need to know what height to drop front and rear on 215/45R17 both front and back on a 2006 Chevy cobalt ls sedan. I've been reading and none of it makes sense. A quick link to a web site for what I need to buy to lower my SloBolt. I would prefer 2" front and back or maybe 1.7" front and 2" back.
  9. kawkinurjawl

    FS: Enough stock items to build another Balt

    :challenge:I will give 125 + shipping for high rise wing to 73026 Norman, Oklahoma
  10. kawkinurjawl

    Wanting to paint my headliner

    I'm wanting to paint my headliner red but i'm not sure how to get it out without breaking it. I own a sedan cobalt... please help. ---------- Post added at 02:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:41 PM ---------- I'm also wanting to paint my fabic seats as well (red center and black...
  11. Drifz Monoblock 301B 17"

    Drifz Monoblock 301B 17"

  12. IMG 1334

    IMG 1334

  13. IMG 1347

    IMG 1347

  14. IMG 1348

    IMG 1348

  15. IMG 1331

    IMG 1331

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