Recent content by dman090

  1. D

    Blast from the past

    5 years later... I remember you lol you were basically my twin!
  2. D

    Trip down memory lane

    Remember this was the place to be back in the day! To any of the people that were around back then, I hope you guys are doing well! Feel free to message me sometime!
  3. D

    A nice day for some pics

    Looks good!
  4. D

    New Member

  5. D

    New system

    Very nice man.
  6. D

    From Phoenix

    Welcome to the site!
  7. D

    June COTM Submission Thread

    mannn this site is sooooo dead.
  8. D

    08 LS, looking to customize, any opinions cosmetic or performance

    dude its super simple! i believe there is a how to on here!
  9. D

    Badge Removal

    fishing line, dental floss, any kind of thin wire really. just make sure when your sawing at the glue, dont get too close to the paint or it will chip easily. can also use a hair dryer or heat gun to heat up the glue and speed up the process
  10. D

    shot some pix

    lookin good as always man!
  11. D

    LT Sway Bar upgrade

    Turbo tech racings rear bar is very nice and easy to install. I would Recommend it! but if you want the eibach, it installs the exact same way. you can actually see my TTR rear bar in the middle picture in my sig!
  12. D

    Rough Idle and Rough Stops

    throttle body is sitting on top of the intake manifold and underneath the intake system.
  13. D

    inexpensive muffler

    that does sound pretty good actually ^
  14. D

    Budget builds?

    just bolt ons really... unless your wanna supercharge it.
  15. D

    KY Clutch - Product Release!

    does they clutches make shifting as smooth as KY lube?:naughty:

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