Recent content by BlackMagik

  1. BlackMagik

    ss/tc rear lip,hids,gauges,pods and more

    how about the hids?do you still have them?
  2. signature


  3. BlackMagik

    what ever happen to the skin for the webpage? do you know?

    what ever happen to the skin for the webpage? do you know?
  4. IMG 20120507 113132

    IMG 20120507 113132

  5. IMG 20120507 163240

    IMG 20120507 163240

  6. IMG 20120507 163225

    IMG 20120507 163225

  7. Jersey Shore.

    Jersey Shore.

  8. BlackMagik

    Black 09 lt first car, nice when clean.. Gotta 05 ss/sc now too went a little different then all...

    Black 09 lt first car, nice when clean.. Gotta 05 ss/sc now too went a little different then all black.. What gaming system you play cod on?
  9. BlackMagik

    Got a question. My exhaust is so loud I've never heard the whine of my SC.. I'd rather hear that...

    Got a question. My exhaust is so loud I've never heard the whine of my SC.. I'd rather hear that then the exhaust, any suggestions?
  10. BlackMagik

    short shifter

    Did anyone swap out there stock stick shift for a short shifter? if so how did you do so? how long did it take? and what brand do you recommend?
  11. BlackMagik

    wondering if you knew where i could get wind reflectors from?

    wondering if you knew where i could get wind reflectors from?
  12. BlackMagik

    my first car was an 09 lt but in black, then i got my SS.

    my first car was an 09 lt but in black, then i got my SS.
  13. BlackMagik

    I live in huntingdon valley where do you go for meets?

    I live in huntingdon valley where do you go for meets?
  14. BlackMagik for the graphics.. for the graphics..
  15. 5% all around, painted tails..

    5% all around, painted tails..

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