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I have seen alot of post's out about people selling there tinted lights in order to go back to stock, But if you want to save some cash heres how to remove tint spray and restore them to stock
Items needed
Soft cloth or paper towels
3M adhesive remover(automotive stores carry it)
Dupli-clear spray paint
800/1500/2000 Grit wet/dry sandpaper
*Optional Buffer
1.wet sand with 800grit to remove clearcoat.
2.Pour 3m Adhesive remover to tinted area and simply wipe off the tint
3.Wetsand with 800 grit then 1500
4.Spray heavy coats of clear, but not to heavy that it runs. let it dry a day.
5.Finish with one last wetsand with 2000grit and wax it
(adding clear coat is optional, you can just follow the step from my headlight restore how to instead)
Items needed
Soft cloth or paper towels
3M adhesive remover(automotive stores carry it)
Dupli-clear spray paint
800/1500/2000 Grit wet/dry sandpaper
*Optional Buffer
1.wet sand with 800grit to remove clearcoat.
2.Pour 3m Adhesive remover to tinted area and simply wipe off the tint
3.Wetsand with 800 grit then 1500
4.Spray heavy coats of clear, but not to heavy that it runs. let it dry a day.
5.Finish with one last wetsand with 2000grit and wax it
(adding clear coat is optional, you can just follow the step from my headlight restore how to instead)