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  1. NickLuce

    New Guy

    how are the MTX subs bro
  2. NickLuce

    New pics

    is that a montee i see
  3. NickLuce

    Updated Cobalt

    Just a few mods Exhuast plasti-diped rims 6000k HIDS Windows tined and soon get sub box and viper alarm system
  4. NickLuce

    Put my 18"s on my buddies civic

    ouch nice old badass hatchback but damn really sucks see that much rust
  5. NickLuce

    shot some pix

    bad part for us is we just have springs all the way around if we had coils o man be so easy lower our car haha
  6. NickLuce

    HELP - 2009 Cobalt LS panic alarm going off randomly!

    well from what im thinking bro is eather there is a short or a fuse is out check all wires and in the fuse block
  7. NickLuce

    LS muffler size?

    ya i just got a new muffler put on man what a difference its crazy
  8. NickLuce

    New Cobalt owner

    Ya cobalts have a awsome sound. but i know wat u mean. hid lights maybe 8000k plasti-dip rims
  9. NickLuce

    Keep the Cobalt or Not?

    yep i agree with white balt these cobalts should last atlest 150 or 175 without problems with it taken care of real well. also on how you drive it i kept a 69 F-250 and 91 Chevy S-10 running for years lol but throdle body easy replace and i would check or call chevy give them the vin to check...
  10. NickLuce

    New Cobalt owner

    thats a really clean car might be with mods but what are you looking to interchange and also welcome!!
  11. NickLuce

    LS muffler size?

    well muffler is huge but i think the pipe is a 2.5 i just bought a new muffler to throw on for now but i think 2.5 because that is what the back part of the muffler looks.
  12. NickLuce

    shot some pix

    nice looks good too.
  13. NickLuce

    manual to auto.... ya i want an auto, im in a lot of pain

    ya thats bad part i mean unless u know a macaniche that is a good friend wont kill you in price then thats good but ya id trade it in.
  14. NickLuce

    manual to auto.... ya i want an auto, im in a lot of pain

    ya thats why i got an auto as well because sometimes cant feel my left foot
  15. NickLuce

    Annoying noise

    well unless there is a cover over were they were working might be a bolt or a screw that fell is in there
  16. NickLuce

    shot some pix

    how much in the rear was dropped my ass end is alittle to high for me what do u think maybe drop a in
  17. NickLuce

    Got a question for you guys, this is important.

    Thats right cant fix anything not broke but all i can think of is check everything because cold weather can corroed wires and wear and tear can short wires. just do what maven and everyone else said bro u will find out what it is.
  18. NickLuce

    inexpensive muffler

    If u are looking for muffler K2 motors on ebay
  19. NickLuce

    shot some pix

    u dropped the rear yet
  20. NickLuce

    shot some pix

    car looks badass bro cant wait start doing up my little turd lol
  21. NickLuce

    Need Help Installing Double Din Pioneer

    well thats why u have to buy a wireharness for the new deck bro because it has all ur chims and all nosies ect in it so from what i herd is harness can cost up to 130 bucks
  22. NickLuce

    Need Help Installing Double Din Pioneer

    thats why i kept the stock sterio also i think u might have connected the wire to a constent power so it drained the battery and wont start
  23. NickLuce

    Noise coming from AC?

    true my old 91 chevy did same problem thought carbin filter was problem
  24. NickLuce

    trouble code P0340.

    thats a possibility ya id check lol
  25. NickLuce

    Oh my GAWD

    ya kinda same with trans am they kinda have there own sound

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