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  1. E

    new photos with 17s on

    you're taking advice from honduh kidz now? lol i'm just kidding, well they're not bad.. most stock intercoolers are tube and fin.. but a bar and plate will cool better.. but it definitely works
  2. E

    BlackCobalt707's 06 LS/TC build thread

    if you were still having pipe issues i was going to be like wut
  3. E

    new photos with 17s on

    is it just me or does that fmic look like a tube and fine instead of a bar and plate?
  4. E

    new photos with 17s on

    needs a kit of some sorts to make it fit .. but better then stock lol now we just need vids of your car :D
  5. E

    Five Axis Modded 2011 Scion TC

    i like the stock version.. but the back blows IMO
  6. E


    it definitely sounds like you ahve a leak someplace.. could be something as simple as one of your couplers isn't tightened down enough.. i had a similar issue turned out the coupler going into my tb split lol since you're maf is reading weird.. it's 1. a fucked maf, 2. leak right around the...
  7. E

    350z seats in a cobalt :)

  8. E

    SS/TC Part-Out(Basic Parts ONLY!!)

    rawr I want the front brake setup :(
  9. E

    Fusion Orange

    nvm i mess read it lol i thought he was saying he was looking at either a disco tater or a GT 28r like they were 2 different turbos lol
  10. E

    Fusion Orange

    woh you're going to stick on a disco tater or a disco tater
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    victory_red_SS' project's short version

    too much all at once.. JIZZ
  12. E

    ZZP Air-Water Intercooling Parts

    soo what do you think is the best setup for your needs? because water to air is a fantastic way to cool
  13. E

    Musicians of CCF

    damn ff we need s drummer like your for my band lol ---------- Post added at 11:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:09 PM ---------- i dont' have any pics of my equipment and it's all at my drummers house from our show last night actually i have some pics of me playing on facebook
  14. E

    ff_drift's spectacular retro fitted rear coilovers!!!!

    so what are you going to do with the front? I wonder how much a replacement would run
  15. E

    2.2 cobalt + civic si

    haha whatever works for your man
  16. E

    2.2 cobalt + civic si

    that sucks.. did you try the hairspray thing on your piping?
  17. E

    2.2 cobalt + civic si

    NICE! i'll have that much in a few weeks.. least if everything goes well
  18. E

    2.2 cobalt + civic si

    i cant wait to see that thing move.. how much boost are you pushing?
  19. E

    For Mike ff_drift_lol

    omfg i just jizzed
  20. E

    redline brian's saabaru

    damn his car is sexy.. still think the lip / stretch is dumb bbut his car looks awesome
  21. E


    fake hehe
  22. E

    Turbo 2.2 vs M62 2.2(vid)

    so which was which lol cuz i didn't hear whine from anywhere lol i'm guessing the camera car was the sc?
  23. E

    CRX with no top

    exactly what i was thinking
  24. E

    Deuce's 2.4 sleeper??

  25. E

    Locals to Central NJ

    awesome i definitely need some love lol .. i should probably get the big scratch in my rear bumper fixed first though lol

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