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  1. Robinson

    Audio Stuff

    Need to raise some money so I'm selling parts of my system. I know its not top of the line stuff but it actually sounds pretty good. Whole system works perfectly fine. Subwoofer Box alone is valued at $75. Asking $125 + shipping. Originally paid close to 400 for whole setup...
  2. Robinson

    So I was bored at work and washed the car

    Nothing special but its kinda clean.
  3. Robinson

    WTB Rear 02 sensor

    Any one have a rear 02 sensor they are willing to sell for a reasonably low price or let go of for free? Someone needs one for their ION.
  4. Robinson

    San Diego Auto Show

    So I went to the S.D. Auto Show and took lots of pics. Here is the facebook link. I will post some others for those that dont have Face Book. ---------- Post added at 07:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:50 PM...
  5. Robinson

    Post emails

    anyone else not getting the emails when someone posts?
  6. Robinson

    LG Rumor2 Cell Phone for Sprint (Blue). Brand New.

    I won this phone in an online contest, but I dont have Sprint and I'm getting a new phone next month so I threw it up on ebay, figured I would post it here too. Brand new in box.
  7. Robinson

    Another ION to invade.

    I promise Kane has the only ION with lambo doors. and if Jeff is on here I'm quitting. :mario:
  8. Robinson

    My Car

    Before Now
  9. Robinson

    My ***** of a car.

    I'll fill this in later

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