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  1. arman14

    June COTM Submission Thread

    It's back from the dead :rofl: Voting will be held from May 29th to 31st. Please post a link to your submission thread
  2. arman14

    February COTM Submission Thread

    Voting will be held from January 29th to 31st. Please post a link to your submission thread
  3. arman14

    January COTM Poll

    Vote for your favorite sedan :cool: Good luck to all. 1- 2-
  4. arman14

    January 2012 COTM Submission Thread

    Voting will be held from December 29th to 31st. Please post a link to your submission thread
  5. arman14

    December COTM Poll (Tie Braker Part II)

    Please vote again Thanks 1- 2-
  6. arman14

    December COTM Poll (Tie Braker)

    We have a tie, Please vote again Thanks 1- 2-
  7. arman14

    December COTM Poll

    Here are the candidates for the month of December May the best one win :challenge: 1- 2-
  8. arman14

    December COTM Poll

    Here are the candidates for the month of December May the best one win :challenge: 1- 2-
  9. arman14

    December COTM Submission Thread

    Voting will be held from November 28th to 30th. Please post a link to your submission thread
  10. arman14

    November COTM Submission Thread

    Voting will be held from October 29th to 31st. Please post a link to your submission thread
  11. arman14

    October COTM Submission Thread

    Voting will be held from September 28th to 30th. Please post a link to your submission thread
  12. arman14

    September 2011 COTM Poll

    Here are the candidates for the month of September May the best one win :challenge: 1 - 2 - 3 -...
  13. arman14

    September 2011 COTM Submission Thread

    Voting will be held from August 29th to 31st. Please post a link to your submission thread
  14. arman14

    August 2011 COTM Submission Thread

    Voting will be held from July 29th to 31st. Please post a link to your submission thread
  15. arman14

    July 2011 COTM Poll

    Here are the candidates for the month of July Good luck to both of you. 1 - 2 -
  16. arman14

    July 2011 COTM Submission Thread

    Voting will be held from June 28th to 30th. Please post a link to your submission thread
  17. arman14

    June COTM Poll

    Here are the candidates for the month of June Good luck to both of you. 1- 2-
  18. arman14

    June 2011 COTM Submission(s) Thread

    Voting will be held from May 29th to 31st. Please post a link to your submission thread
  19. arman14

    May COTM Poll (Tie Breaker)

    We have a tie. Vote again people!!! Good luck to both of you. 1.Wardzach2007 2.agita_san
  20. arman14

    May COTM Poll

    Here are the candidates for the month of May. Good luck to all. 1.Wardzach2007 2.agita_san *Note: I made a public poll so we can avoid all the bs we had last month.
  21. arman14

    May COTM Submission Thread

    Voting will be held from April 28th to April 30th.
  22. arman14

    April 2011 COTM Submission(s) Thread

    Voting will be held from March 29th to 31st. Please post a link to your submission thread
  23. arman14

    March 2011 COTM Poll

    Here are the candidates for the month of March. Good luck to all. 1. Spacey_stacey75 2. agita_san 3. Tuner923
  24. arman14

    February 2011 COTM Poll

    Here are the candidates for the month of February. Good luck to all. dman090 kidd1406 agita_san lebUnit Spacey_stacey75
  25. arman14

    February 2011 COTM Submission(s) Thread

    Voting will be held from January 29th to 31st. Please post a link to your submission thread

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