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  1. Shaggy

    The all new

    Chevy Cobalt forum is now running on a new forums software. Its called Xenforo. Its a whole new forum software then what CCF has been running since the beginning. CCF was on vBulletin. It was on an older version of vB and I never wanted to update to the newest versions because of the amount...
  2. Shaggy

    2003 - 2007 Recalls. Get the issue fixed!

    I know many of you know about that issues that GM has had with the ignition turning off well driving. If not, make sure you look into it and see if your cobalt has this issue and get it taken care of. This article was about girl that died from the ignition turning off well driving. Parents...
  3. Shaggy Giveaway! iPad Mini Giveaway + more! We are doing this giveaway to spark some life back into CCF and to show how serious we are on trying to accomplish that. We all know this site was very active in the past and I want to try to get that activity back. We may not be as active as...
  4. Shaggy

    Please welcome our newest vendor! Please welcome RockAuto as our newest vendor!
  5. Shaggy

    Doing a redesign on the skin.

    I have decided to get a new updated skin made for the site. What I need from all of you is pictures of your cobalt, cruze, ION, or G5 so I can get it added to the skin. It will rotate like the ones are now, but there will be alot more that will be able to rotate. Post the pictures of your...
  6. Shaggy

    Just got an email from ebay about $100 off wheels.

    I thought I would share this with all of you. It was an email I got from ebay that is giving discounts on wheels bought through them. Just go here eBay Motors - The Largest Selection of Brand Name Wheels on the Web You need to use the coupon code CWHEELSEBAY at check out and its 10% off...
  7. Shaggy

    Please welcome our newest preferred vendor. Please welcome to! :party33:
  8. Shaggy


    Who here would be interested in getting a calendar made up of your cars?
  9. Shaggy

    Chevy Cruze SS?

    Motortread did a little write up on it. I think it looks bad ass they way the did the mock up for it! Chevy Cruze SS, Anyone? - GM Also Considering "Four-Door Coupe" Model - Motor Trend
  10. Shaggy

    Referral Contest!

    Who is into having a referral contest for prizes?
  11. Shaggy

    New Front Page!

    Just wanted to let you all know about the new front page! Let me know what you think?
  12. Shaggy


    Any of you in any clubs?
  13. Shaggy

    Get your decals!!!

    Ok, lets start this over. The users that pmmed me about decals, please do it again and tell me what color you want the C C F and what color you want the rest of the decal to be. The size of the decal will be 12 inches wide by 1 inch tall. In the near future there will also be other...
  14. Shaggy


    I hope all of you still have your hair after the downtime. Sorry about all of that. My backup drive failed so I had to have it replaced and all this happened when I couldn't be in front of a computer :whymewhyme: Everything should be working fine now. If you see anything, please let me know.
  15. Shaggy

    Canada Section added!

    I just added a Canada Regional section for all you canadians. Enjoy!! :hands:
  16. Shaggy

    What do you all want to see on this site?

    Let me know what I am missing on this site that needs to be here.
  17. Shaggy

    Welcome our newest Preferred Vendor! Welcome our newest preferred vendor Rob (Rob @ GGD). If you have any questions, post it here or PM him. Thanks Rob!!
  18. Shaggy

    Welcome our newest Preferred Vendor! If you have any questions, please contact Dom (Avs_Dom) and he will be happy to answer them for you.
  19. Shaggy

    I want your opinions..

    What is missing here at CCF? Please let me know what you think needs to be added to make the forums a better place, besides decals ;)
  20. Shaggy

    Welcome our newest Preferred Vendor!

    Carbon Fiber Creations If you have any questions, please talk with David (CFC Soup Nazi).
  21. Shaggy

    Sorry everyone..

    I had to restore a weekly backup as it seems cobalt123 had deleted all his posts and others too. It was almost 10,000 posts that where deleted so I had to do the backup. So there has been at least 5 days worth of posts that I had to loose to get the 10,000 post back. I demodded cobalt123 for...
  22. Shaggy


    We are now on the number one spot in google for the keyword - chevy cobalt forum ! I also just noticed a new thing with google. If you were to search for the keyword - cobalt forum - in google, we will be like 4 down from the top. Next to the description of our forum, you will see a image...
  23. Shaggy

    New skin is a comin!!

    Just thought I let you all know. I about 5 days there will be a new skin on CCF. ;)
  24. Shaggy

    I need pics!!

    I need pics of everyones ride. Please only post one pic of your car. Please make it the best one you got and also the car needs to be cropable and be seen in the whole picture. I am asking this because your car can be one of the cars that will be apart of the new skin. So make sure you post...
  25. Shaggy

    Just starting on the new skin.

    Just wanted you all to know. I will be wanting a few of your ride pics as I plan on adding them to the header/footer of the new site. I sortive want to stay a light color, but I am willing to hear what you all would like to see here too.

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