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  1. E

    Official utsadude turbo build

    then how come the one guy running a remote mount is pushing more then any other 2.2 also 2.4 intake manifold is plastic.. better for heat and it's strong enough to hold lots of boost
  2. E

    some of my old drawings

    rice :D :lol:
  3. E

    hp estimate calculator: 1/4

    i cant find it :-(
  4. E

    WTB: factory engine mount

    if you can wait a while i can sell you mine lol
  5. E

    jn2 at the track

    yea man some good tires and pressure modulation you should be able to crack high 13's i hit a 14.3 with a 2.442 60' at 103.8 though so i cant talk lol
  6. E

    jn2 at the track

    what plug gap are you running?
  7. E

    import faceoff pics

    you do realize who we're talking he beat no one :P
  8. E

    Carbon Fiber Hood

    lulz :D
  9. E

    import faceoff pics

    they really let you race with that huge ass crack in the window
  10. E

    New cobalt projectors available

    oh i could lol but thats too much work .lol that PS took 5 mins.. 5 mins too long lol
  11. E

    New cobalt projectors available

    yea i fixed the one lens shape for the angle but forgot to do the projector itself lol
  12. E

    New cobalt projectors available

    ps of them in a car lights on lights off
  13. E

    Carbon Fiber Hood

    he hasnt' posted any pics because it's not made and he was banned because he was trying to gain interest before building products and he put prices out there so people knew what they were getting into .. ie trying to be a productive vendor
  14. E

    lookin to upgrade turbo, and other parts, any suggestions?

    they have a work around.. they don't have the tables unlocked ;)
  15. E

    2008 cobalt SS/TC revised

    oh shit.. i almost want it llol
  16. E

    Carbon Fiber Hood

    only imitated never duplicated
  17. E

    New cobalt projectors available

    it's about time they made a nice set of lights for you guys.. these or the gen 2's with the leds taken out are the best IMO now if someone would just make lights for the ion.. we finally got a nice set of tails... that only tool 6 years lol
  18. E

    the turtle turbo build lol

    dayum... do it to it lol
  19. E

    Carbon Fiber Hood

    i know i just felt like acting like you lol
  20. E

    Carbon Fiber Hood

    water not touching things> cooling effects of hood :sorrysign::)
  21. E

    It's cold outside: -20 F

    same thing happens with vettes lol.. and fiberglass lol so alot of nicer cars lol it's great when it's warm out
  22. E

    Check this out!

    this too iphone =/> all
  23. E

    Got room for another Black TC?

    he's going to pay you 10$? i'll pay you 20 plus shipping lol
  24. E

    It's cold outside: -20 F

    it'll shatter lol my sc2 has a hole in it thats like softball sized because my brother hit something last winter in indiana and I got into an accident last year about this tim ein my ion.. hit the woman maybe going 5-10 mph at most and it put a hole in my passenger 1/4 panel lol
  25. E

    Check this out!

    or you guys can just buy pcmscan or scanxl from palmer performance then you'll have a tiactrix cable can data log and if you want tune scoobies and evos lol (some of them)

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