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  1. Jn2

    How to: cat delete w/out p0420 code

    been a mod that i dont think can be tracked down to its roots...been around for a while, just not everyone knew about it
  2. Jn2

    Catalytic Converter Delete on LSJ

    we only do w/cat sorry, if you want to check cost check this thread shipping in the lower48states in $25...
  3. Jn2

    new stuff just ordered...

    ah lol i have to fill the cracks...hmm...i could do 35 as is...but if i fix the cracks, gunna be more, here's pics as it stand now: looks pretty shitty, need to have cracks filled, and some spots need to be sanded...ill work on repairing it tonight if i have some time...
  4. Jn2

    new stuff just ordered...

    ill post pics of it when i come back from lunch ---------- Post added at 02:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:56 PM ---------- thats fine... paypal: [email protected] let me know
  5. Jn2

    new stuff just ordered...

    do need to work on the steering wheel though, the paint was crap the first i tried, so needs to be re coated, and need to fix the steeringwheel emblem ---------- Post added at 02:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:50 PM ---------- hell idk it does need to be repaired, a local was...
  6. Jn2

    new stuff just ordered...

    its sitting in the back seat of my car now hahahaha.... ---------- Post added at 02:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:48 PM ---------- well my car is silver :)
  7. Jn2

    Supercharged 2.2

    i nterview used notebook paper :rofl: it actually worked, think he folded up a few sheets and used it
  8. Jn2

    Supercharged 2.2

    makes the holes for the holes bigger, than cut out the shape of the TB out of gasker maker material, and use it as a gasket...
  9. Jn2

    new stuff just ordered...

    i got the 2.4 cluster :p one of the first interior mods i did...about 2yrs ago now i think, im the one who made the how to on the swap, back than everyone said it woudlnt work, and i enjoyed proving them all wrong ---------- Post added at 02:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:09 PM...
  10. Jn2

    How to: cat delete w/out p0420 code

    me and you both...but not everyone is tuned :p some like to get bolts ons than tune further downt he road, this will help them if they happend to get annoyed of the CEL
  11. Jn2

    Supercharged 2.2

    yeah than you need to hone out the holes for the TB bolts, and make a paper gasket from gasket maker material...
  12. Jn2

    new stuff just ordered...

    the stock ls one is bland, so i got the SS/NA 140 one, now its boring, so i got the LSJ one...prob getting the blackcatcustoms cover for it later on, but for now this will do just fine
  13. Jn2

    new stuff just ordered...

    well finally found a LSJ cluster for cheap... and to complement my new cluster i got: got tracking for both, hoping the gauge arrives by saturday so i can install it over the weekend, and the cluster sometime next week :)
  14. Jn2

    How to: cat delete w/out p0420 code

    NP, yeah its pretty easy...if there is a interest in it, i could swing by vatozone ad pick a few up and mod them to work, and sell them on here...shoudlnt take more than 20mins to do one...i remember doing it at one point, drilling takes forever lol...
  15. Jn2

    saab 2.0 turbo kit swap to cobalt 2007 2.2

    the saab route will work too, and the ZZP kit will work aswell, just a few minor changes like u dont need any of their tunes...and i woudl get the intercooled version, but the non IC one will be fine too, u dont need a IC for low boost...but like i said i recommend starting with the IC...
  16. Jn2

    Catalytic Converter Delete on LSJ

    how to is done....lemme check cost again :p
  17. Jn2

    How to: cat delete w/out p0420 code

    This mod will clear some or all of the No Cat Codes that the engine throws for not having a Cat. -P0420: catalytic efficiency -I am not responsible for any mishaps due to you doing this mod...If you are not mechanicly inclined. Please have someone else do it for you -Please check with...
  18. Jn2

    Catalytic Converter Delete on LSJ

    ill make a how to :)
  19. Jn2

    saab 2.0 turbo kit swap to cobalt 2007 2.2

    ZZP kit for the 2.4 is where i would go...get the water/air intercooling...def be better than the hahn or garret kit...
  20. Jn2

    saab 2.0 turbo kit swap to cobalt 2007 2.2

    yeah thats not a lot of website have updated to the new cost, i know a few ebay vendors did, but contact horsepowerfreaks, and ask them the cost of the kit, if they say 3grand ask them why garret msrp is less than that...if they dont wanna look or check, take ur money elsewhere
  21. Jn2

    saab 2.0 turbo kit swap to cobalt 2007 2.2

    silent u know they are proffiting out the ass right? cost of the garret kits dropped...a lot ---------- Post added at 01:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:07 PM ---------- found his post....
  22. Jn2

    S/C build up

    you can run 60's on stock pulley fine, would be best to only injectors once, vs buying 42's, than getting a smaller pulley and than getting 60's...
  23. Jn2

    Catalytic Converter Delete on LSJ

    christal lemme know if you need a downpipe :) do offer a dp with a magnaflow highflow cat that will work. also you can cut the cat out and not get a code, if you know how to do the fouler mod :p takes a few mins and works perfectly
  24. Jn2

    Supercharged 2.2

    the throttle body, kinda sorta...requires the use of the LSJ TB gasket, and you making a paper gasket, honing out the TB holes, and yes you can use the stock one, interview ran the stock TB on his for a 7months fine...u have the cable driven throttle body?
  25. Jn2

    saab 2.0 turbo kit swap to cobalt 2007 2.2

    i posted a how to in the ls section on using the saab kit :p

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