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  1. Jn2

    Thank u GM

    Yeah I picked the spiral looking thread inserts. Ended up just redrilling and tapping he original hole. Worked perfectly. Now I other problem...I think I may be madding out my injectors or something. Bc in every gear at 5k rpm it sputters like hell and leans the **** out. Fucking great. I fix...
  2. Jn2

    TTR Transmission inserts

    I got the solid ttr solid tranny mounts and he solid engine mount. I don't know the meaning of wheel hop...just spin :p
  3. Jn2

    Thank u GM

    Yah I know :p Ima try and just cross tread a new bolt thru it. Hope that works.
  4. Jn2

    Thank u GM

    Nah. This isn't a ecotec issue rather a bolt breaking. Than failing to get it out ---------- Post added at 09:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:17 AM ---------- That's what it looked like at first. Now it's all fucked up, a new bolt was threaded into the old's a fucking...
  5. Jn2

    Thank u GM

    Well **** me sideways and call me jn2...I'm so pissed..broke a intake manifold bolt. The one on the far left, helps seal cylinder #1....yeah broke, and I let someone use a bolt extracter to get it out whole I went and got a new bolt. Came back to a bolt that had a hole thru it. Wasn't centered...
  6. Jn2

    S/C build up

    Nice. U'll enjoy boost. I'll have a smoothflow pulley for sale in a bit. 3.0" machined finish.
  7. Jn2

    05Turbo2.2's 2005 Cobalt LS Turbocharged

    Any new #'s yet? New pics of install?
  8. Jn2

    Thank u GM

    Lol, yeah, I wonder how my stock 2.2 clutch is going to like it...I don't think it will be happy about it. It's slipping as it is with the 3" pulley.
  9. Jn2

    Dont Buy Monster Energy Drinks!!!

    Sweet I can drink monster again...Pepsi wasn't cutting it in the AM...
  10. Jn2

    Thank u GM

    For funding my DD moddin habits :) ordered: -replacement sc outlet gasket(mines bad) -2.8" smoothflow pulley -stgII belt belt and gasket will be in tommorow. Ordered thru dealer so it's next day delivery. And the pulley was ordered earlier today. I know my clutch isn't going to like...
  11. Jn2

    Deuce's 2.4 sleeper??

    Mine has now stared slipping after 6months of making [email protected] rpm... So his should last for a while...
  12. Jn2

    FS: valve cover

    Bump valve cover still available. $40shipped
  13. Jn2

    This weekend fun

    Trq #'s??? And good hp btw
  14. Jn2

    Look What i won

    I never like the aem. Overpriced pipe. Spectra makes the same thing for cheaper...I'd of used the eBay cai
  15. Jn2

    F.S. Exedy Stage 1 Clutch for the 2.2 and 2.4

    Ur asking way too much (05-07) Chevrolet Cobalt 2.2/2.4L- 179 ft/lbs $280.47
  16. Jn2

    installed header and dp on 2.4 auto....PICS!!

    K I'll let u know whn I have the money.
  17. Jn2

    installed header and dp on 2.4 auto....PICS!!

    How much for ur stock dp. :) wanna donate it to me :D
  18. Jn2

    Dont Buy Monster Energy Drinks!!!

    wow I drink monster...gunna have to change it up...I hate rockstar and nos they taste like shit. Got to say I will stop drinking monster if that company goes under. Shits disgusting how they would do that to a small company
  19. Jn2

    Great weekend for some runs

    7OHhc5M8Odk ---------- Post added at 09:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:22 AM ---------- UU9n8E0ZMrg
  20. Jn2

    How To Upgrade Stock Subs

    i did my front speaker over with some kenwood speaker, think they were 6.5" speaker, dont remember, it was w/e the stock car came with(base model), had to cut the old speaker out of the damn housing thingy...took a while
  21. Jn2

    How To Upgrade Stock Subs

    hmmm, i may have to add this to my to do list, cost isnt too bad, and i hate the way the sub sounds with the amp i have x_x...and im not a big fan of having extra weight i dont need, and th stock set up is nice and out of the way
  22. Jn2

    Bosch injectors

    im going to upgrade to simens 60's once around xmas when i drop down to a 2.8" pulley.
  23. Jn2

    Fuel filter>jn2

    Well my buddy help me change the fule filter, turn out the little clip thing on the inside of the filter that hold the line was broken off, so the disconnect tool wasnt going to work, used a pick to just break all the othet tabs and got the filter out :) havent had a good chance to really get on...
  24. Jn2

    seafoam fail

    O_o disconnect the cat...umm...u relize its welded from factory to the cobalts downpipe right? and on top of that...i dont run a cat...although putting one back on is on my to do list, and only bc i liked my exhaust tone better with the cat still on....and putting seafoam in the gas tank doesnt...
  25. Jn2

    FS: valve cover

    BUMP -speedo sold; -valve cover still available

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