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  1. Jn2

    3.0 to 2.9

    no you are only removing the pulley from the hub, not the hub from the pulley, since u stated u have a 3" i am assuming you have a stgII 3.065" pulley with blue bolts, you remove those bolts, pop the out, line up the new one, and bolt it on...put your belt back on, and thats all there is to...
  2. Jn2

    Nub 4 Lyfe

    hello and welcome to CCF
  3. Jn2

    New Product @ TTR - Turbo Tech Racing STOP Transmission Mounts!

    bump for aaron, wish i coudl tested these out on my 2.2, whenever the 2.2 versions are out, hit me up ;)
  4. Jn2

    Pacesetter Monza Exhaust Question.

    sounds like ass...sounds really hollow at low RPMs, and even more in the high end...
  5. Jn2

    Window Final Decal Design

  6. Jn2

    FS: 3" smooth flow pulley/ lsj belt

    Yup sure is. It drives the crank, alternator, idler, tensionor and sc pulley
  7. Jn2

    FS: 3" smooth flow pulley/ lsj belt

    Do u have a belt yet? If u have a 3" than this belt will work for u ;)
  8. Jn2

    FS: 3" smooth flow pulley/ lsj belt

    -I'm selling my 3.0" smothflow pulley. Has been installed since 5/1/'s a 5 bolt pulley asking: 30shipped in the cont. US ^^pulley on left -Lsj belt that has 1 rob cut off already, perfect for a 2.2/2.4 running pulley ranging from 3.0-3.35(stock pulley) asking: 25shipped in the cont. US
  9. Jn2

    got a new ebrake and shift boot ! pics

    Nice. I did this mod 2yes ago. Hated th size of the stock ebrake.
  10. Jn2

    cheapest place to get clutch/flywheel

    Didn't u buy it 25?
  11. Jn2

    cheapest place to get clutch/flywheel

    well anyone know of a place that can get them for cheaper than HPF's? (05-07) Chevrolet Cobalt 2.2/2.4L- 179 ft/lbs------------$280.47 (05-07) Chevrolet Cobalt 2.2/2.4L- 279 ft/lbs------------$341.76 (05-07) Chevrolet Cobalt 2.2/2.4L- 10.5 lbs------------$300.20...
  12. Jn2

    05Turbo2.2's 2005 Cobalt LS Turbocharged

    wtf...wasnt ur manifold suppose to have the TB on the other side...or am i thinking of someone else...
  13. Jn2

    UPS dropped this off

    nice, yeah i noticed it had 8 bolts, the 2.2 only has 6 :p good luck flipping it, i still need to get me a flywheel and clutch, its next on my to do list, got my 60ln injectors on the way and a 2.8 pulley, so my stock clutch will be gone soon...
  14. Jn2

    Antifreeze/Reservoir Cap

    Autozone has replacement caps. The 2.2, 2.4, and 2.0 have the same cap. Think it's like 8-10 dollars
  15. Jn2

    Official Supercharged L61s and LAPs thread

    Maybe. I'm looking to build a l61...than run a 2.7 on the m62...maybe later down the road get a tvs...I'm not made of money :p
  16. Jn2

    Official Supercharged L61s and LAPs thread

    im supercharged, ran a stock pulley, and am now on a 3.0"...and i ordered a 2.8 from nate on thrusday i believe, so ill be running a 2.8 by next weekend...
  17. Jn2

    WTB: 60lbs injectors

    edit: found the injectors and harness.. :)
  18. Jn2

    Update!!!! On my cf evo mod.....the middle....PICS!!!!!

    looks well made,. now ho bout some installed pics :p
  19. Jn2

    Remove Rear Seats

    who makes that harness bar? exactly what im looking for...anyone know?
  20. Jn2

    New Parts in Carbon Fiber

    as far as i can see, he is just posting he is doing this, didnt post he was selling them...atleast not yet...
  21. Jn2

    Last mod before winter:

    glad it finally arrived, i stayed on their ass for you, according to them the first one got lost in customs, and than had them send you another one...def get some installed pics...i know i love the way mine looks in my engine bay, no more gay see thru pink plastic :p
  22. Jn2

    WTB: 60lbs injectors

  23. Jn2

    Thank u GM

    found my problem, well narrowed it down to the injectors being max'd out, or the tune is off......everything else has been upgrading to 60's should cover all my problems...if their max'd injector, it wont matter bc ill have all new ones, if its in the tune it wont matter bc ill be...
  24. Jn2

    Thank u GM

    well 42's should be enought o handle a 2.8", haza was running 42's on his 2.8 and we're in the same city, same conditions, same engines, same tuner :p ---------- Post added at 04:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:56 PM ---------- plus i think i found my problem: P0122 P0171 P0223 P1682
  25. Jn2

    TTR Transmission inserts

    Solid polyurehane :p vs slotted stock rubber shit.

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