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  1. Jn2


  2. Jn2


    or he could skip all that and go straight to premium :p
  3. Jn2

    hi there...

    welcome to the site
  4. Jn2

    New skin is a comin!!

    klol yeah there was a link that was label'd "my posts" u coudl click on it and see all your post from the home page or any page :p
  5. Jn2


    hahah that cheating
  6. Jn2

    New skin is a comin!!

    u mean my posts, good Q...hmmm
  7. Jn2


    hahaahaah... :p how bout we race and i get a chance to win (.)(.)
  8. Jn2


    my DD is faster than your DD :p
  9. Jn2


    blah, ss/sc's are slow, base models are faster
  10. Jn2


    weird...this comp wont allow me to go to myspace, but when i clickd ur link took me straight too it....hmmmm
  11. Jn2


    best way to let everyone know is to get a pedobear decal and put it on your car somehwere
  12. Jn2

    New skin is a comin!!

    i thought the same thing i was like WTF, than i remebered they were changing some things on it :p
  13. Jn2

    05-06 140mph speedometer

    bump :)
  14. Jn2

    My newest mod is complete :)

    looks good...
  15. Jn2

    New skin is a comin!!

  16. Jn2

    New skin is a comin!!

    lol yeah i noticed that, too bad its not a pic of after i put the h/e in the front, i still look n/a in that pic :( aww, u should of done those nude posts :p
  17. Jn2

    New skin is a comin!!

    im on the banner :p
  18. Jn2

    4 months in the making

    trust me i dont make much more hahahah, had a $4/hr cut...i lost a lot of money and am now check to check :p gunna take me months to collect money for new clutch and install
  19. Jn2

    4 months in the making

    yeah, but im not a fan of driveway clutch jobs, shop is inly charging me 350 to do it, its a resonable cost... i did read up on it, i got the haynes repair manual for this reason lol...but after reading everything, im too lazy to go thru all that, when the shop can knock it out in one day
  20. Jn2

    4 months in the making

    hahahaha, trust me, if i could pay chinese poeple little to nothing to install my new clutch right...i would do it
  21. Jn2


    looks like it was just greyscaled ---------- Post added at 06:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:18 PM ---------- i asked bc i have them on mine :p so thats what i car woudl look like with a lsj kit
  22. Jn2

    4 months in the making

    atleast it still DD's fine...dont mind not being able to WOT, dont go out to the track as much, dont go out to local meets, so racing has come to a halt lol...just drive to and from i can make this clutch last even longer :p but my recent mods are the last one until winter, need to...
  23. Jn2

    Goodbye trunk lock....PICS!!!

    yup...not every car comes with one, if i was regally required to have a third, every car in production would come with one...
  24. Jn2


  25. Jn2

    Goodbye trunk lock....PICS!!!

    no state requires a third brake light...u only need to have 2 brake lights, one on the right and another on the left, third brake lights can be removed...there are not a required piece for passing a state inspection/....not every car has one...

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