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  1. Jmesl8er

    Car wash???

    Money shot
  2. Jmesl8er

    Redneck ramp ball

    Found a bowling ball at my buddies house, this is what we did with it P9FnYm4is3g
  3. Jmesl8er

    Car wash???

    Drove under a bridge being worked on today, this was the outcome.
  4. Jmesl8er

    Carbon Fiber Hood for sale

    You have to be as cool as Taylor to get the low down homie discount
  5. Jmesl8er

    Carbon Fiber Hood for sale

    Just noticed your hood, looks badass
  6. Jmesl8er

    Carbon Fiber Hood for sale

    Here's the story: I sold my Ram, guys picking it up sunday. My wife said if I sold that and workd 68 hr weeks until April I can get another garage car.( If you work past 68 hrs at my place GE pays a 250 dollar bonus a week). So I'm going to sell my hood and rims probably and make the cobalt...
  7. Jmesl8er

    Carbon Fiber Hood for sale

    SOLD I'm selling my Carbon Fiber Hood, 400 obo Sold
  8. Jmesl8er

    Some kind of Badass Vette

    I was driving home afterwork and this dude pulls up beside me. It did'nt look or sound like a regular vette, gave him the "get on it hand signal" and he obliged or79ho20tSU
  9. Jmesl8er

    September 2011 COTM Poll

  10. Jmesl8er

    Stance Audi

    Seen this on the way home from work today. Look at the camber on the front wheels, can't believe you can drive around like that for very long. Looked badass though, wheel's were some kind of badass metallic gray.
  11. Jmesl8er

    How To 2.2 Airbox Mod

    Ive got a howto on here with good pics, search it
  12. Jmesl8er

    How to remove "LT" lettering & front liscence plate housing

    I drilled out the rivots, got plugs and touchup paint at autozone, painted the plugs and filled the holes. For lettering, heat gun or a really hot sunny day or a hairdryer, and goo gone
  13. Jmesl8er

    How To 2.2 Airbox Mod

    Just pull up on it, it not a rivot. Its a rubber gromet around a metal plug
  14. Jmesl8er

    Cleaned up

    Cleaned up the Cobalt. It wasn't washed for almost a month, rainy all the time. Been beautiful the last couple of days though, highs in the 80's, lows in the 60's, and NO humidity
  15. Jmesl8er

    I got punished :(

    Wife does'nt want me smoking around the condo. Car smell like oil anyway, (machinist), but a new cabin filter every 10000 miles does the trick ---------- Post added at 12:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:03 PM ---------- Talkin about the cleavage, lol. No really, I like tats and...
  16. Jmesl8er

    I got punished :(

  17. Jmesl8er

    I got punished :(

    What a buzzkill, I'm not allowed to smoke at home, so I cruise the backroads, (no cops)
  18. Jmesl8er

    I got punished :(

    At least you were'nt smoking, could have been a lot worse. 164 bucks sounds horrible though, how does your butt feel, lol
  19. Jmesl8er

    Raced a Redneck

    bitch I'll slap you and your mama. Dont need to be bright to know your a punkass
  20. Jmesl8er

    new to cobalts

    Welcome, hit up "Agita_san", he's in hawaii too, has a badass cobalt as well
  21. Jmesl8er

    Twizted SS COTM September

  22. Jmesl8er

    Raced a Redneck

    ^^^^^^^ one of camo's many screen names
  23. Jmesl8er

    Raced a Redneck

    Seems I need a SC as well, then I wont get those comments, right?
  24. Jmesl8er

    Raced a Redneck

    He new there was a race, he initiated it at the red light before, revving his shit up. Should have turned down the music so u could hear him get on it. How hard is it to believe I beat a mid 90's pos dodge farm truck? And how is it a flyby? We were beside each other for a couple seconds...
  25. Jmesl8er

    Raced a Redneck

    Track only huh, you've never driven over 70 on the highway? Beacuse going over the spped limit is as dangerous. There were 0 people on the highway yesterday. What does age have to do with anything? 1000'S of youtube vids of people older than me street racing, age has nothing to do with it...

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