Recent content by Wisenos

  1. Wisenos

    Air bag sir light

    and fun fact... where i work i'll be doin this year 25.xx went up like that lol (speaking of money) 12.85 16.18 18.72 19.25 21.09 24.84 and this year 25.xx ...
  2. Wisenos

    Air bag sir light

    Gberland: sometimes they should hire the ol guy off the street... sometimes they know way more than the certified licensed lil noob who just got out of school ------- and i was about to sya if you have a sir light in a gm... then something is wrong somewhere lol
  3. Wisenos

    2011-2012 idea(project)

    of course they are legal only off-road
  4. Wisenos

    2011-2012 idea(project)

    thanks ------------- so here they are on car and light output (correctly aimed i hope)
  5. Wisenos

    2011-2012 idea(project)

    for pics on car.. will be tomorrow night
  6. Wisenos

    My new headlights.

    MOD time lol sequential blinking... grab a circuit board from a mustang :p
  7. Wisenos

    2011-2012 idea(project)

    my only wish :) ----- for now only need shrouds to completely finish the headlights if i can't find i'll use a old t-shirt and fiberglass it
  8. Wisenos

    Air bag sir light

    duct tape the steering wheel as hard as you can :)
  9. Wisenos

    2011-2012 idea(project)

    i'm nottelling anything before wed :)
  10. Wisenos

    2011-2012 idea(project)

    maybe not... might be new tails ------------- also GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR8 newz undercoat - top coat - lacquer
  11. Wisenos

    2011-2012 idea(project)

    and here is a small hint
  12. Wisenos

    2011-2012 idea(project)

    not done yet... keeping the last part as a surprise for everyone :) only 1 thing i can say... should helo making sweet nightmares :)
  13. Wisenos

    2011-2012 idea(project)

    i finally got the color i wanted for my car Ford Focus ST Electric Orange (6FSE) just ordered a "sample" (touch-up repair kit) from uk so once its here i'm goin to have it reproduced and finally my baby should have this tint by next spring meanwhile i did those what u guys think?
  14. Wisenos

    the Wise one :p

    latest news what u guys think?
  15. Wisenos

    Wiseion's ion :p

    ordered a paint sample last week for my sweet creamsicle orange lol also have projector retrofit (work in progress) building them in the tinted housing all parts are here

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