Recent content by BlackCobalt707

  1. BlackCobalt707

    Sour Skittle build

    bought to place a order for a couple more parts. front and rear strut bars, maybe a short shifter and new bushings
  2. BlackCobalt707

    pics of the neon

    wifeys new camera....god damn $900 camera, nikon D5100.
  3. BlackCobalt707

    Sour Skittle build

    the neon? not really, just my get to work/weekend warrior car. im prolly gonna put a new engine and transmission into the cobalt and sell that then either get my wife a new car, maybe chrysler 300m or a suv and mob around in her escort so that way we just have 1 car payment and i can bank a ton...
  4. BlackCobalt707

    My Garage

    nice man cave you got going on. 1 thing i dont see tho is a flat screen tv, wtf is up with that? lol
  5. BlackCobalt707

    Sour Skittle build

    thanks. right now im savin up for 2 tunes, street tune and race gas tune. then i gotta get some new slicks and new wheels along with some better brakes and im done
  6. BlackCobalt707

    Sour Skittle build

  7. BlackCobalt707

    pics of the neon

    pussies lol. ill race anything. as a matter of fact, im after my friend in his ss/tc....sad part is i know i will rape him, so itll just be a waste of our time lol
  8. BlackCobalt707

    Sour Skittle build

    most def. ima have a busy 2 weeks of R&R and ima love it too. hangin out with my boys eatin pizza and drinkin beer, workin on the car. then takin my kids out to toys r us and let them go on a little shopping spree since i missed their birthday. then take the wifey out to dinner and the casino...
  9. BlackCobalt707

    Sour Skittle build

    thanks, im ready to get home myself. as you can see, i got a garage full of crap to go on the car. i saw your brother a few times when he was here
  10. BlackCobalt707

    pics of the neon

    thanks fellaz i see hacked up neons/srts on the forums all the times. it disgust me, but to each their own lol. what makes me laugh is when you got neons with srt emblems, wings and other shit on them then when you try to race them they dont wanna run the real thing. but i promise, this car...
  11. BlackCobalt707

    Sour Skittle build

  12. BlackCobalt707

    pics of the neon

    im the same way. i love simple cars with money under the hood. im not with all the body kits and paint jobs and all that BS lol. thanks only comestics im doin is repaint the car and fix that dent in my door, and maybe powdercoat the rims black.
  13. BlackCobalt707

    pics of the neon

    now for the juicy stuff ---------- Post added at 05:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:56 AM ---------- video
  14. BlackCobalt707

    Lowered my Navi

    the black in me says get them 24's! lol
  15. BlackCobalt707

    Sour Skittle build

    long story short, cobalt blew up new years eve on the way to the dyno. i said **** it and got me a srt 4 janurary 28th. UPGRADE its a flame red 05, it had a borla cat back, k&n air filter, magnecor spark plug wires, rolled bumper mod, new tranny with act lightweight flywheel and 6 puck...

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