Airbox mod: Offical, and gains!!!


Junior Member
Mar 2, 2010
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i'm sorry that i don't have any pics but it is really easy.

This mod was for a 08 Balt sedan LS 2.2L but it can be used for a 2.4L

Tools Needed
5mm and 10mm
Pry bar, Long Flat Head, MUSCLE
Jack and Jack Stands
Sandwich and a soda on the side ^_^

Scale 1 Easiest - 10 Hardest: -1

Est Time: Less than 1hr

1: jack the car and set it on Jack Stand (i had mine on a lift =D)

(The Resonator is located Behind the bumper, Passager Side)

2: Take Off the wheel

3: There is some bolts on the wall (5mm), take off about 4 or 5 of them for easier access. Then There is the cover (corner of passager bumper) Take those out for easier access

4: Then you should see the Ugly, Useless, unwanted......RESONATOR!!!!!!!
theres a bolt on the right side (10mm) Take that off.

5.Now, left of that is this plastic clip where you use a pry bar, long flat head, or some greasy muscle (i yank mines out) NOTE: THIS WILL BE A B**** to take out!!!!)

6. Once you got that out, Just pull down and you have it out. Pretty big lol <--that whats she said

7. Put everything back together

8. Put the tire back on

9. Eat that sandwich, put a smile and enjoy the mod!

Review & Gain
I have a k&n air filter and i did some test driving before and after i did this mod. Here are some what gains i got
~More Throttle Responce
~Bit increase in Power
~Sight Increase in Acceleration
~GAS: TBA, Still testing on.....
~Heavy Driving: as in flooring it or half way flooring it cause you love how your car sounds lol XD or like if your in a hurry
~Light Driving: as in cruising, just driving from point a to point b with no hurry
~Sound: Sounds really nice but you can't really hear that much (I have my air filter box open (clips are down,not completely open, with that open, it sound grrrrrrreeeeaaaaattttt!)

So far in gas though, i did see a slight increase in MPG in CITY. I'm guessing for about .5-1.5 Increase in MPG but thats for me. Est gas gain: .5 to 2 MPG All depends how you drive.

I would recommend this mod because its a easy mod to do. Doesn't Cost anything unless you need to buy tools. It is worth it. Doesn't ruin the Warrenty. If you are planning to buy a cold air or do a custom cold air system, This part has to come out cause the cone is going to be where the resonator was before.

Now i seen some threads about cutting the bumper so more air flow will flow into the box or balts with a Short-Ram. I'm planning to do this so ill consider this.
I'm planning to buy a long tube and trim it so its rectangle. then cut the plastic cover under the car so the tube fits in its place. I haven't done it yet but i will soon and i will post a thread about it. Doing this will take the air directly into the Air box or the Short-Ram. And will avoid cutting your bumper lol.
Cutting your bumper might do something but than again, remember when you took out that resonator? yeah thats a huge space so air will flow in there but it will be in the big space so why not have a tube so the air will flow directly towards it?

sorry for having this long thread but i love cobalt and i love modding and helping out other people. Good luck!



Full Access Member
Jul 29, 2009
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Houston TX
Dyno it...then i will believe its not a placebo effect.

Evers_ YO

Junior Member
Apr 6, 2010
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Harrison, MI
wow some of u guys are assholes. anyway thanks man really helpful. cant wait to see pics and other helpful hints


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jul 18, 2009
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Renton, WA
Curious if leaving the end of the cone on would help you guys as well.

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